Predrag Filipovikj
Predrag Filipovikj
Product Owner and Technology Expert/Lead | Scania CV AB
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Reassessing the pattern-based approach for formalizing requirements in the automotive domain
P Filipovikj, M Nyberg, G Rodriguez-Navas
2014 IEEE 22nd International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE), 444-450, 2014
Simulink to UPPAAL statistical model checker: Analyzing automotive industrial systems
P Filipovikj, N Mahmud, R Marinescu, C Seceleanu, O Ljungkrantz, ...
FM 2016: Formal Methods: 21st International Symposium, Limassol, Cyprus …, 2016
Integrating pattern-based formal requirements specification in an industrial tool-chain
P Filipovikj, T Jagerfield, M Nyberg, G Rodriguez-Navas, C Seceleanu
2016 IEEE 40th Annual Computer Software and Applications Conference (COMPSAC …, 2016
SMT-based consistency analysis of industrial systems requirements
P Filipovikj, G Rodriguez-Navas, M Nyberg, C Seceleanu
Proceedings of the Symposium on Applied Computing, 1272-1279, 2017
Automated SMT-based consistency checking of industrial critical requirements
P Filipovikj, G Rodriguez-Navas, M Nyberg, C Seceleanu
ACM SIGAPP Applied Computing Review 17 (4), 15-28, 2018
Bounded invariance checking of simulink models
P Filipovikj, G Rodriguez-Navas, C Seceleanu
Proceedings of the 34th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 2168-2177, 2019
Analyzing industrial simulink models by statistical model checking
P Filipovikj, N Mahmud, R Marinescu, G Rodriguez-Navas, C Seceleanu, ...
Mälardalen Real-Time Research Centre, Mälardalen University, 2017
Ten tips to succeed in global software engineering education: What do the students say?
P Filipovikj, J Feljan, I Crnković
2013 3rd International Workshop on Collaborative Teaching of Globally …, 2013
SIMPPAAL: a framework for statistical model checking of industrial simulink models
P Filipovikj, N Mahmud, C Seceleanu, G Rodriguez-Navas, O Ljungkrantz, ...
International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, 220-246, 2024
Automated approaches for formal verification of embedded systems artifacts
P Filipovikj
Mälardalen University, 2019
Specifying industrial system requirements using specification patterns: A case study of evaluation with practitioners
P Filipovikj, C Seceleanu
ENASE 2019: 14th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches …, 2019
Bounded invariant checking for stateflow programs
P Filipovikj, D Gurov, M Nyberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:2103.06248, 2021
Identifying Redundancies and Gaps Across Testing Levels During Verification of Automotive Software
R Bisht, SK Ejigu, G Gay, P Filipovikj
2023 IEEE International Conference on Software Testing, Verification and …, 2023
Bounded Invariant Checking for Stateflow
P Filipovikj, G Ung, D Gurov, M Nyberg
arXiv preprint arXiv:2209.14028, 2022
Model-checking-based vs. smt-based consistency analysis of industrial embedded systems requirements: Application and experience
P Filipovikj, G Rodriguez-Navas, C Seceleanu
Electronic Communications of the EASST 75, 2018
An energy-aware mutation testing framework for EAST-ADL architectural models
R Marinescu, P Filipovikj, EP Enoiu, J Larsson, C Seceleanu
arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.01089, 2018
Bounded Verification of Simulink Models
P Filipovikj, G Rodriguez-Navas, C Seceleanu
Technical Report. http://www. es. mdh. se/publications/5343, 2018
Pattern-based Specification and Formal Analysis of Embedded Systems Requirements and Behavioral Models
P Filipovikj
Mälardalen University Press, 2017
Connecting a Design Framework for Service-oriented Systems with UPPAAL model-checker
P Filipovikj
Comparison between centralised and decentralised systems and how they cope with different threats
P Filipovikj, C Holmstedt
Abgerufen am 22 (08), 2013, 2012
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