Xiaona Song
Xiaona Song
Henan University of Science and Technology
haust.edu.cn의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A new image encryption algorithm based on the fractional-order hyperchaotic Lorenz system
Z Wang, X Huang, YX Li, XN Song
Chinese Physics B 22 (1), 010504, 2013
Switching-like event-triggered state estimation for reaction–diffusion neural networks against DoS attacks
X Song, N Wu, S Song, V Stojanovic
Neural Processing Letters 55 (7), 8997-9018, 2023
Bipartite synchronization for cooperative-competitive neural networks with reaction–diffusion terms via dual event-triggered mechanism
X Song, N Wu, S Song, Y Zhang, V Stojanovic
Neurocomputing 550, 126498, 2023
Hybrid‐driven‐based fuzzy secure filtering for nonlinear parabolic partial differential equation systems with cyber attacks
Z Zhang, X Song, X Sun, V Stojanovic
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 37 (2), 380-398, 2023
Event-driven NN adaptive fixed-time control for nonlinear systems with guaranteed performance
X Song, P Sun, S Song, V Stojanovic
Journal of the Franklin Institute 359 (9), 4138-4159, 2022
Network-based passive estimation for switched complex dynamical networks under persistent dwell-time with limited signals
Y Wang, X Hu, K Shi, X Song, H Shen
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (15), 10921-10936, 2020
Finite-time adaptive neural resilient DSC for fractional-order nonlinear large-scale systems against sensor-actuator faults
X Song, P Sun, S Song, V Stojanovic
Nonlinear dynamics 111 (13), 12181-12196, 2023
Quantized neural adaptive finite-time preassigned performance control for interconnected nonlinear systems
X Song, P Sun, S Song, V Stojanovic
Neural Computing and Applications 35 (21), 15429-15446, 2023
Extended dissipative synchronization for semi-Markov jump complex dynamic networks via memory sampled-data control scheme
YA Liu, J Xia, B Meng, X Song, H Shen
Journal of the Franklin Institute 357 (15), 10900-10920, 2020
Adaptive command filtered neuro-fuzzy control design for fractional-order nonlinear systems with unknown control directions and input quantization
S Song, JH Park, B Zhang, X Song, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (11), 7238-7249, 2020
Neuro-fuzzy-based adaptive dynamic surface control for fractional-order nonlinear strict-feedback systems with input constraint
S Song, B Zhang, X Song, Z Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (6), 3575-3586, 2019
Anti-disturbance state estimation for PDT-switched RDNNs utilizing time-sampling and space-splitting measurements
X Song, Z Peng, S Song, V Stojanovic
Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation 132, 107945, 2024
Data-driven control of hydraulic servo actuator: An event-triggered adaptive dynamic programming approach
V Djordjevic, H Tao, X Song, S He, W Gao, V Stojanović
Mathematical biosciences and engineering: MBE, 2023
Data-driven control of hydraulic servo actuator based on adaptive dynamic programming.
V Djordjevic, V Stojanovic, H Tao, X Song, S He, W Gao
Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems-Series S 15 (7), 2022
Finite-Time Asynchronous Control for Nonlinear Markov Jump Distributed Parameter Systems via Quantized Fuzzy Output-Feedback Approach
X Song, M Wang, CK Ahn, S Song
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (9), 4098-4109, 2019
Finite-time dissipative synchronization for Markovian jump generalized inertial neural networks with reaction–diffusion terms
X Song, J Man, CK Ahn, S Song
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 51 (6), 3650-3661, 2019
Hysteresis quantified control for switched reaction–diffusion systems and its application
Z Peng, X Song, S Song, V Stojanovic
Complex & Intelligent Systems 9 (6), 7451-7460, 2023
Robust fault‐tolerant control of uncertain fractional‐order systems against actuator faults
H Shen, X Song, Z Wang
IET Control Theory & Applications 7 (9), 1233-1241, 2013
1 bit encoding–decoding-based event-triggered fixed-time adaptive control for unmanned surface vehicle with guaranteed tracking performance
X Song, C Wu, V Stojanovic, S Song
Control Engineering Practice 135, 105513, 2023
Composite adaptive finite‐time fuzzy control for switched nonlinear systems with preassigned performance
P Sun, X Song, S Song, V Stojanovic
International Journal of Adaptive Control and Signal Processing 37 (3), 771-789, 2023
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