Iveta Čabalová
Iveta Čabalová
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Effects of thermal treatment on chemical, mechanical and colour traits in Norway spruce wood
D Kačíková, F Kačík, I Čabalová, J Ďurkovič
Bioresource Technology 144, 669-674, 2013
The effects of paper recycling and its environmental impact
I Čabalová, F Kačík, A Geffert, D Kačíková
Environmental management in practice 17, 329-350, 2011
Effect of thermal treatment on the chemical, physical, and mechanical properties of pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) wood
I Čabalová, F Kačík, R Lagaňa, E Výbohová, T Bubeníková, I Čaňová, ...
BioResources 13 (1), 157-170, 2018
Wood-water interactions of thermally modified, acetylated and melamine formaldehyde resin impregnated beech wood
P Čermák, J Baar, J Dömény, E Výbohová, R Rousek, P Pařil, A Oberle, ...
Holzforschung 76 (5), 437-450, 2022
Chemical and Morphological Composition of Norway Spruce Wood (Picea abies, L.) in the Dependence of Its Storage
I Čabalová, M Bélik, V Kučerová, T Jurczyková
Polymers 13 (10), 1619, 2021
Changes in the chemical and physical properties of paper documents due to natural ageing
I Čabalová, F Kačík, J Gojný, B Češek, M Milichovský, O Mikala, ...
BioResources 12 (2), 2618-2634, 2017
The effects of transition metal sulfates on cellulose crystallinity during accelerated ageing of silver fir wood
T Tribulová, F Kačík, DV Evtuguin, I Čabalová, J Ďurkovič
Cellulose 26, 2625-2638, 2019
Assessment of chromophores in chemically treated and aged wood by UV-VIS diffuse reflectance spectroscopy
T Tribulová, F Kacik, D Evtuguin, I Cabalová
Cellul. Chem. Technol 50 (5-6), 659-667, 2016
Recycling of wastes plastics and tires from automotive industry
I Čabalová, A Ház, J Krilek, T Bubeníková, J Melicherčík, T Kuvik
Polymers 13 (13), 2210, 2021
Characterization of cellulose degradation during accelerated ageing by SEC-MALS, SEC-DAD, and A4F-MALS methods
F Kačík, Š Podzimek, K Vizárová, D Kačíková, I Čabalová
Cellulose 23, 357-366, 2016
Effect of oxidizing thermal modification on the chemical properties and thermal conductivity of Norway spruce (Picea abies L.) wood
I Čabalová, E Výbohová, R Igaz, L Kristak, F Kačík, P Antov, ...
Wood Material Science & Engineering 17 (5), 366-375, 2022
Impact of thermal loading on selected chemical and morphological properties of spruce ThermoWood
I Čabalová, M Zachar, F Kačík, T Tribulová
BioResources 14 (1), 387-400, 2019
Vplyv sálavého ohrevu na chemické zmeny smrekového dreva/The influence of radiant heating on chemical changes of spruce wood
I Cabalová, F Kacík, D Kacíková, M Oravec
Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen res Publica Slovaca 55 (2), 59, 2013
Effect of natural aging on oak wood fire resistance
M Zachar, I Čabalová, D Kačíková, T Jurczyková
Polymers 13 (13), 2059, 2021
Influence of an age and damage of the oak wood in its fire risk
M Zachar, A Majlingová, I Mitterová, I Čabalová
Wood Res 62 (3), 495-504, 2017
The influence of selected efficient compounds of essential oils for paper protection
I Čabalová, B Češek, O Mikala, J Gojný, F Kačík, T Tribulová
Journal of cultural heritage 37, 148-154, 2019
The changes of polymerization degree of softwood fibers by recycling and ageing process
I Cabalova, F Kacik, J Sivak
Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen 53 (1), 59-62, 2011
The Effect of Heat Flux to the Fire-Technical and Chemical Properties of Spruce Wood (Picea abies L.)
M Zachar, I Čabalová, D Kačíková, L Zacharová
Materials 14 (17), 4989, 2021
Chemical changes of hardwoods at thermal loading by radiant heating
I Cabalová, F Kacik, M Zachar, R Dúbravský
Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen res Publica Slovaca 58 (1), 43, 2016
Changes of molecular weight distribution of cellulose during pulp recycling
I Čabalová, F Kačík, J Sivák
Acta Facultatis Xylologiae Zvolen 51 (1), 2009, 2009
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