Qinbiao Li
Recognising situation awareness associated with different workloads using EEG and eye-tracking features in air traffic control tasks
Q Li, KKH Ng, CM Simon, CY Yiu, M Lyu
Knowledge-Based Systems 260, 110179, 2023
Effects of the multisensory rehabilitation product for home-based hand training after stroke on cortical activation by using NIRS methods
Q Li, J Feng, J Guo, Z Wang, P Li, H Liu, Z Fan
Neuroscience letters 717, 134682, 2020
A human-centred approach based on functional near-infrared spectroscopy for adaptive decision-making in the air traffic control environment: A case study
Q Li, KKH Ng, Z Fan, X Yuan, H Liu, L Bu
Advanced Engineering Informatics 49, 101325, 2021
Towards safe and collaborative aerodrome operations: Assessing shared situational awareness for adverse weather detection with EEG-enabled Bayesian neural networks
CY Yiu, KKH Ng, X Li, X Zhang, Q Li, HS Lam, MH Chong
Advanced Engineering Informatics 53, 101698, 2022
The effects of two game interaction modes on cortical activation in subjects of different ages: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy study
R Ge, Z Wang, X Yuan, Q Li, Y Gao, H Liu, Z Fan, L Bu
IEEE Access 9, 11405-11415, 2021
The effects of age on brain cortical activation and functional connectivity during video game-based finger-to-thumb opposition movement: A functional near-infrared spectroscopy …
N Zhang, X Yuan, Q Li, Z Wang, X Gu, J Zang, R Ge, H Liu, Z Fan, L Bu
Neuroscience Letters 746, 135668, 2021
Securing air transportation safety through identifying pilot's risky VFR flying behaviours: An EEG-based neurophysiological modelling using machine learning algorithms
Q Li, KKH Ng, CY Yiu, X Yuan, CK So, CC Ho
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 238, 109449, 2023
Effects of three different rehabilitation games’ interaction on brain activation using functional near-infrared spectroscopy
Z Wang, M Liao, Q Li, Y Zhang, H Liu, Z Fan, L Bu
Physiological Measurement 41 (12), 125005, 2020
Situational awareness and flight approach phase event recognition based on psychophysiological measurements
Q Li, CY Yiu, CM Simon, KKH Ng
2021 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering …, 2021
Exploring the Human-Centric Interaction Paradigm: Augmented Reality-Assisted Head-Up Display Design for Collaborative Human-Machine Interface in Cockpit
Y Xin, KH Kam, LI Qinbiao, CY YIU, CK LAU, KH FUNG, LH NG
Advanced Engineering Informatics 62, 102656, 2024
Single-pilot operations in commercial flight: Effects on neural activity and visual behaviour under abnormalities and emergencies
LI Qinbiao, KH Kam, Y Xin, CY YIU
Chinese Journal of Aeronautics 37 (8), 277-292, 2024
Vaccines, associated risk and air transport industry post-COVID-19: A structural equation modelling-based empirical study in Hong Kong
CY Yiu, KKH Ng, FTS Chan, Q Li
Research in Transportation Business & Management 50, 101038, 2023
The Effects of Aeronautical Decision-Making Models on Student Pilots’ Situational Awareness and Cognitive Workload in Simulated Non-Normal Flight Deck Environment
Q Li, HC Leung, MH Ho, KL Leung, KKH Ng, CY Yiu
The International Journal of Aerospace Psychology 33 (3), 197-213, 2023
Age-related changes in brain functional networks under multisensory-guided hand movements assessed by the functional near–infrared spectroscopy
X Yuan, Q Li, Y Gao, H Liu, Z Fan, L Bu
Neuroscience Letters 781, 136679, 2022
The air transport industry after the COVID-19: A structural equation modelling-based empirical study considering vaccines' popularity and pandemic-associated risk
CY Yiu, KH Ng, Q Li
The 24th ATRS World Conference, 2021
Flashlight model: Integrating attention distribution and attention resources for pilots’ visual behaviour analysis and performance prediction
M Lyu, F Li, X Qu, Q Li
International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 103, 103630, 2024
How do the levels of automation in flight operations affect pilots’ cognitive workload, reaction time, and EEG brain waves in cruising flights?
CY Yiu, KKH Ng, Q Li, X Yuan
2024 IEEE 4th International Conference on Human-Machine Systems (ICHMS), 1-6, 2024
Longitudinal assessment of the effects of passive training on stroke rehabilitation using fNIRS technology
T Zou, N Liu, W Wang, Q Li, L Bu
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 183, 103202, 2024
Revealing the effects of increased workload and distraction on the pilot's situation awareness neurobehavioral activities
Q Li, KKH Ng, ST Chu, TY Lau, CH Leung
AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum, 3407, 2023
How Does a Pilot’s Mental State and Cognitive Abilities Change When in Single Pilot Operations During a Flight Emergency?
KKH Ng, L Qinbiao, X Yuan, CY Yiu
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