Adam Falewicz
Adam Falewicz
Uniwersytet Szczeciński
usz.edu.pl의 이메일 확인됨
Anxiety and depression in a non-clinical sample of young Polish adults: Presence of meaning in life as a mediator
M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, K Strochalska, R Rybarski
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (10), 6065, 2022
Prężność osobowości i jej rola w procesach radzenia sobie ze stresem
A Falewicz
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 263-275, 2016
Private vs. public self-consciousness and self-discrepancies
A Falewicz, W Bak
Current Issues in Personality Psychology 4 (1), 58-64, 2016
Threat Appraisal, Resilience, and Health Behaviors in recovered COVID-19 patients: the serial mediation of coping and meaning-making
D Krok, E Telka, M Szcześniak, A Falewicz
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 20 (4), 3649, 2023
The mediating effect of hope agency on perceived stress and professional burnout among Polish corporate employees
M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, M Wnuk, G Bielecka, D Madej
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 1859, 2024
Polish validation of a 14-Item Version of the religious and spiritual struggles scale (RSS-14): Factorial structure, psychometric properties, and clinical correlates
A Falewicz, M Szcześniak, R Rybarski, M Chmiel, JA Wilt, B Zarzycka
Journal of religion and health 62 (5), 3579-3603, 2023
Geneza i przegląd psychologicznych koncepcji mądrości
A Falewicz
Studia Koszalińsko-Kołobrzeskie, 243-254, 2015
The mediating effect of dispositional gratitude on the relationship between religious struggles and self-esteem: Preliminary results
M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, D Madej, G Bielecka, J Pracka, R Rybarski
Religions 13 (1), 70, 2022
Validation of the Polish version of the brief measure of perceived divine engagement and disengagement in response to prayer (PDED)
M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, Z Kroplewski, U Myszak, H Borkowska, ...
Religions 12 (12), 1049, 2021
Psychologiczne koncepcje stresu i radzenia sobie
A Falewicz
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Diecezji Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiej, 2017
The mediating effect of maturity on anxiety and the motives for postponing parenthood
M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, M Meisner, K Grodecka
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 20258, 2024
Catholic religious practices questionnaire (CRPQ): Construction and analysis of psychometric properties
D Krok, M Szcześniak, A Falewicz, J Lekan
Religions 13 (12), 1203, 2022
The Conjugal communio amoris in the Apostolic Exhortations" Familiaris Consortio" and" Amoris Laetitia"
S Bukalski, A Falewicz
Verbum Vitae 40 (1), 159-175, 2022
Total Pain and Fear of Recurrence in Post-Treatment Cancer Patients: Serial Mediation of Psychological Flexibility and Mentalization and Gender Moderation
D Krok, E Telka, A Falewicz, M Szcześniak
Journal of Clinical Medicine 13 (7), 1974, 2024
Do Catholic Religious Practices Attenuate the Deconversion of Emerging Adults in Poland? The Mediating Role of Transcendent Indebtedness
D Krok, A Falewicz, M Szcześniak
Religions 15 (1), 85, 2024
Podmiotowe i kontekstualne uwarunkowania satysfakcji z życia księży rzymskokatolickich na emeryturze
A Falewicz
The Conjugal Communio Amoris as the Path to Holiness: Perspective of the Exhortation “Familiaris Consortio”
S Bukalski, A Falewicz
Bogoslovni vestnik: glasilo Teološke fakultete v Ljubljani 83 (1), 155-170, 2023
The Mediating Effect of Dispositional Gratitude on the Relationship between Religious Struggles and Self-Esteem: Preliminary Results. Religions 13: 70
M Szczesniak, A Falewicz, D Madej, G Bielecka, J Pracka, R Rybarski
s Note: MDPI stays neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published …, 2022
Typology of people in middle and late adulthood based on the profile of coping with everyday life events
A Falewicz, S Steuden
Kwartalnik Naukowy Fides et Ratio 48 (4), 404-426, 2021
Mądrość a preferencja wyboru aktywności zaradczej u osób w późnej dorosłości
A Falewicz
Studia Paradyskie, 319-337, 2021
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