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공동 저자
Anestis KoutsoudisResearch Director - Athena Research and Innovation Center - Institute for Language and Speechathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Christodoulos ChamzasEmeritus Professor EECE Dpt, Democritus University of Thrace and ATHENA Research Centeree.duth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Fotios ArnaoutoglouAthena RC affiliateathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Chairi KiourtATHENA Research Centreathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Stella MarkantonatouInstitute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena Research Centerathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Despoina TsiafakiDirector of Research, Athena RC, Institute for Language and Speech Processing, Greeceathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Vasileios SevetlidisPhD in Machine Learningpme.duth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Vassilios TsioukasAristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Rural and Surveying Engineering, GREECEtopo.auth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
George IoannakisInstitute for Language and Speech Processing, Athena Research Centerathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Nestor C TsirliganisAthena R.C.ceti.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Spyridon G. MouroutsosDemocritus University of Thraceduth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Stavroglou KonstantinosAthena Research Centerathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Dimitris KallesProfessor of Artificial Intelligence, Hellenic Open Universityeap.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Pavlogeorgatos GerasimosProfessor / Director of the CHMLab-Greeceaegean.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Nikos PapamarkosDemocritus University of Thrace Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Laboratory ofee.duth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Vasileios ArampatzakisAthena Research Center - Institute for Language and Speech Processing, DUTh - PhD candidateathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Antonios Gasteratos, FIETDean Faculty of Engineering | Director Robotics & Automation Lab | Democritus University of Thracepme.duth.gr의 이메일 확인됨
IOANNIS LIRITZISProfessor of Archaeometry-Natural Sciences, Henan Universirty Institute of Capital Civilizationrhodes.aegean.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Aris LalosResearch Director at Industrial Systems Institute/ "ATHENA" Research Center, Co-Founder of AviSenseathenarc.gr의 이메일 확인됨
Eugenia PolitouUniversity of Piraeus, Department of Informaticsunipi.gr의 이메일 확인됨