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Dogan GursoySchool of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business,Washington State Universitywsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Christina G. ChiProfessor of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Business, Washinton State Universitywsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Ruiying CaiWashington State University, School of Hospitality Business Management, Carson College of Businesswsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Oscar Hengxuan ChiUniversity of Floridaufl.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Zhang Tingting (Christina)Associate Professor at University of South Floridaucf.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Robin NunkooProfessor, University of Mauritiusuom.ac.mu의 이메일 확인됨
Nathan Robert NealeUniversity of Houston-Downtownuhd.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Wangoo LeeAssistant Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic Universitypolyu.edu.hk의 이메일 확인됨
Imran RahmanAssociate Professor, Auburn Universityauburn.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Byung-Kee BaikUSDA-ARS Soft Wheat Quality Laboratoryars.usda.gov의 이메일 확인됨
Makarand ModyAssociate Professor, Boston Universitybu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
John C. CrottsProfessor of Travel Industry Management at the University of Hawaii at Manoahawaii.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Kevin M MurphyProfessor of International Seed and Cropping Systems, Washington State Universitywsu.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Priyanko GuchaitUniversity of Houstonuh.edu의 이메일 확인됨