Jean-Francois Julien
A single human gene encoding multiple tyrosine hydroxylases with different predicted functional characteristics
B Grima, A Lamouroux, C Boni, JF Julien, F Javoy-Agid, J Mallet
Nature 326 (6114), 707-711, 1987
Demonstration of GABAergic cell bodies in the suprachiasmatic nucleus: in situ hybridization of glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) mRNA and immunocytochemistry of GAD and GABA
H Okamura, A Bérod, JF Julien, M Geffard, K Kitahama, J Mallet, ...
Neuroscience letters 102 (2-3), 131-136, 1989
Similar time course changes in striatal levels of glutamic acid decarboxylase and proenkephalin mRNA following dopaminergic deafferentation in the rat
P Vernier, JF Julien, P Rataboul, O Fourrier, C Feuerstein, J Mallet
Journal of neurochemistry 51 (5), 1375-1380, 1988
Tree microhabitats as indicators of bird and bat communities in Mediterranean forests
B Regnery, D Couvet, L Kubarek, JF Julien, C Kerbiriou
Ecological Indicators 34, 221-230, 2013
Arthropod-like expression patterns of engrailed and wingless in the annelid Platynereis dumerilii suggest a role in segment formation
B Prud'homme, R de Rosa, D Arendt, JF Julien, R Pajaziti, ...
Current Biology 13 (21), 1876-1881, 2003
The influence of low intensities of light pollution on bat communities in a semi-natural context
A Lacoeuilhe, N Machon, JF Julien, A Le Bocq, C Kerbiriou
PloS one 9 (10), e103042, 2014
Disentangling the relative effect of light pollution, impervious surfaces and intensive agriculture on bat activity with a national-scale monitoring program
C Azam, I Le Viol, JF Julien, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou
Landscape ecology 31, 2471-2483, 2016
Is part‐night lighting an effective measure to limit the impacts of artificial lighting on bats?
C Azam, C Kerbiriou, A Vernet, JF Julien, Y Bas, L Plichard, J Maratrat, ...
Global Change Biology 21 (12), 4333-4341, 2015
Neurons containing messenger RNA encoding glutamate decarboxylase in rat hypothalamus demonstrated by in situ hybridization, with special emphasis on cell groups in medial …
H Okamura, M Abitbol, JF Julien, S Dumas, A Berod, M Geffard, ...
Neuroscience 39 (3), 675-699, 1990
Tadarida: A toolbox for animal detection on acoustic recordings
Y Bas, D Bas, JF Julien
Journal of open research software 5 (1), 6-6, 2017
Evidence for distance and illuminance thresholds in the effects of artificial lighting on bat activity
C Azam, I Le Viol, Y Bas, G Zissis, A Vernet, JF Julien, C Kerbiriou
Landscape and Urban Planning 175, 123-135, 2018
Rat brain glutamic acid decarboxylase sequence deduced from a cloned cDNA
JF Julien, P Samama, J Mallet
Journal of neurochemistry 54 (2), 703-705, 1990
Bat activity in intensively farmed landscapes with wind turbines and offset measures
L Millon, JF Julien, R Julliard, C Kerbiriou
Ecological Engineering 75, 250-257, 2015
Large-scale semi-automated acoustic monitoring allows to detect temporal decline of bush-crickets
A Jeliazkov, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou, JF Julien, C Penone, I Le Viol
Global Ecology and Conservation 6, 208-218, 2016
Accounting for artificial light impact on bat activity for a biodiversity-friendly urban planning
J Pauwels, I Le Viol, C Azam, N Valet, JF Julien, Y Bas, C Lemarchand, ...
Landscape and Urban planning 183, 12-25, 2019
Molecular cloning, expression and in situ hybridization of rat brain glutamic acid decarboxylase messenger RNA
JF Julien, F Legay, S Dumas, M Tappaz, J Mallet
Neuroscience letters 73 (2), 173-180, 1987
Cloning and sequence analysis of the cDNA encoding a snake neurotoxin precursor
T Tamiya, A Lamouroux, JF Julien, B Grima, J Mallet, P Fromageot, ...
Biochimie 67 (2), 185-189, 1985
Contribution of private gardens to habitat availability, connectivity and conservation of the common pipistrelle in Paris
A Mimet, C Kerbiriou, L Simon, JF Julien, R Raymond
Landscape and Urban Planning 193, 103671, 2020
Use of large‐scale acoustic monitoring to assess anthropogenic pressures on orthoptera communities
C Penone, I Le Viol, V Pellissier, JF JULIEN, Y Bas, C Kerbiriou
Conservation Biology 27 (5), 979-987, 2013
Phylogeny of ants (Formicidae) based on morphology and DNA sequence data
C Astruc, JF Julien, C Errard, A Lenoir
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 31 (3), 880-893, 2004
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