Kristof Fenyvesi
Kristof Fenyvesi
Senior Researcher, University of Jyväskylä, Finnish Institute for Educational Research
jyu.fi의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Hands‐On Math and Art Exhibition Promoting Science Attitudes and Educational Plans
H Thuneberg, H Salmi, K Fenyvesi
Education Research International 2017 (1), 9132791, 2017
Mathematics learning through Arts, Technology and Robotics: multi-and transdiscpilinary STEAM approaches
Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi, D Lieban, H Park, M Hohenwarter, JD Mantecon, ...
East Asia Regional Conference on Mathematics Education, 2018
The art of co-creating arts-based possibility spaces for fostering STE (A) M practices in primary education
P Burnard, T Dragovic, S Jasilek, J Biddulph, L Rolls, A Durning, ...
Arts-based methods in education around the world, 247-281, 2022
Developing and evaluating educational innovations for STEAM education in rapidly changing digital technology environments
Z Lavicza, R Weinhandl, T Prodromou, B Anđić, D Lieban, M Hohenwarter, ...
Sustainability 14 (12), 7237, 2022
Enhancing digital skills of early childhood teachers through online science, technology, engineering, art, math training programs in Estonia
J Leoste, Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi, M Tuul, T Õun
Frontiers in education 7, 894142, 2022
Experiential education of mathematics: Art and games for digital natives
K Fenyvesi, R Koskimaa, Z Lavicza
Kasvatus ja aika 9 (1), 2015
Integrating STEM-related technologies into mathematics education at a large scale
Z Lavicza, T Prodromou, K Fenyvesi, M Hohenwarter, I Juhos, B Koren, ...
International Journal for Technology in Mathematics Education 27 (1), 3-11, 2020
Bridges: A world community for mathematical art
K Fenyvesi
The Mathematical Intelligencer 38 (2), 35-45, 2016
Computational thinking development: Benefiting from educational robotics in STEM teaching
C Wawan, K Fenyvesi, A Lathifah, R Ari
European Journal of Educational Research 11 (4), 2022
STEAM practices to explore ancient architectures using augmented reality and 3D printing with GeoGebra
SE Bedewy, K Choi, Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi, T Houghton
Open Education Studies 3 (1), 176-187, 2021
Ideas for using GeoGebra and Origami in teaching regular polyhedrons lessons
N Budinski, Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi
K-12 STEM Education 4 (1), 297-303, 2018
Multiple creativities put to work for creative ecologies in teacher professional learning: A vision and practice of everyday creativity
TP Szabó, P Burnard, A Harris, K Fenyvesi, G Soundararaj, T Kangasvieri
Creativity and learning: Contexts, processes and support, 115-143, 2021
Developing primary school students’ formal geometric definitions knowledge by connecting origami and technology
N Budinski, Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi, D Milinković
International Electronic Journal of Mathematics Education 15 (2), 2020
Aesthetics of interdisciplinarity: art and mathematics
K Fenyvesi, T Lähdesmäki, B Verlag
Birkhäuser, 2017
Individual creativity and career choices of pre-teens in the context of a Math-Art learning event
H Salmi, H Thuneberg, FX Bogner, K Fenyvesi
Open Education Studies 3 (1), 147-156, 2021
Educational robotics: Evaluating the role of computational thinking in attaining 21st century skills
S Amri, CW Budiyanto, K Fenyvesi, RA Yuana, I Widiastuti
Open Education Studies 4 (1), 322-338, 2022
Learning mathematical concepts as a whole-body experience: Connecting multiple intelligences, creativities and embodiments within the STEAM framework
K Fenyvesi, S Lehto, C Brownell, L Nasiakou, Z Lavicza, R Kosola
Why science and art creativities matter, 300-336, 2019
Two solutions to an unsolvable problem: Connecting origami and GeoGebra in a Serbian high school
K Fenyvesi, N Budinski, Z Lavicza
Bridges Proceedings, 2014
Modelling Environmental Problem-Solving Through STEAM Activities: 4Dframe's Warka Water Workshop
K Fenyvesi, HG Park, T Choi, K Song, S Ahn
Bridges Conference Proceedings, 2016
Introducing golden section in the mathematics class to develop critical thinking from the STEAM perspective
T Dana-Picard, S Hershkovitz, Z Lavicza, K Fenyvesi
Southeast Asian Journal of STEM Education 2 (1), 2021
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