Hee Chul Park
Hee Chul Park
Department of Physics, Pukyong National University
pknu.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨
Compact localized states and flat-band generators in one dimension
W Maimaiti, A Andreanov, HC Park, O Gendelman, S Flach
Physical Review B 95 (11), 115135, 2017
Strain-shear coupling in bilayer MoS2
JU Lee, S Woo, J Park, HC Park, YW Son, H Cheong
Nature communications 8 (1), 1370, 2017
Poisson's ratio in layered two-dimensional crystals
S Woo, HC Park, YW Son
Physical Review B 93 (7), 075420, 2016
Gas molecule sensing of van der Waals tunnel field effect transistors
HK Choi, J Park, N Myoung, HJ Kim, JS Choi, YK Choi, CY Hwang, ...
Nanoscale 9 (47), 18644-18650, 2017
Current rectification by spontaneous symmetry breaking in coupled nanomechanical shuttles
KH Ahn, HC Park, J Wiersig, J Hong
Physical review letters 97 (21), 216804, 2006
Revealing non-Hermitian band structure of photonic Floquet media
J Park, H Cho, S Lee, K Lee, K Lee, HC Park, JW Ryu, N Park, S Jeon, ...
Science advances 8 (40), eabo6220, 2022
Admittance and Noise in an Electrically Driven Nanostructure:<? format?> Interplay between Quantum Coherence and Statistics
HC Park, KH Ahn
Physical review letters 101 (11), 116804, 2008
Strong interlayer coupling and stable topological flat bands in twisted bilayer photonic moiré superlattices
CH Yi, HC Park, MJ Park
Light: Science & Applications 11 (1), 289, 2022
Decelerated Hot Carrier Cooling in Graphene via Nondissipative Carrier Injection from MoS2
MD Tran, SG Lee, S Jeon, ST Kim, H Kim, VL Nguyen, S Adhikari, S Woo, ...
ACS nano 14 (10), 13905-13912, 2020
Transcatheter arterial chemoembolization and radiation therapy for treatment-naive patients with locally advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
SW Kim, D Oh, HC Park, DH Lim, SW Shin, SK Cho, GY Gwak, MS Choi, ...
Radiation oncology journal 32 (1), 14, 2014
Direct probing of the electronic structures of single-layer and bilayer graphene with a hexagonal boron nitride tunneling barrier
S Jung, N Myoung, J Park, TY Jeong, H Kim, K Watanabe, T Taniguchi, ...
Nano Letters 17 (1), 206-213, 2017
Manipulation of valley isospins in strained graphene for valleytronics
N Myoung, H Choi, HC Park
Carbon 157, 578-582, 2020
Splitting of conductance resonance through a magnetic quantum dot in graphene
N Myoung, JW Ryu, HC Park, SJ Lee, S Woo
Physical Review B 100 (4), 045427, 2019
Interacting ultracold atomic kicked rotors: loss of dynamical localization
P Qin, A Andreanov, HC Park, S Flach
Scientific Reports 7 (1), 41139, 2017
Higher-order topological corner state tunneling in twisted bilayer graphene
MJ Park, S Jeon, SB Lee, HC Park, Y Kim
Carbon 174, 260-265, 2021
Flat-band localization and self-collimation of light in photonic crystals
N Myoung, HC Park, A Ramachandran, E Lidorikis, JW Ryu
Scientific reports 9 (1), 2862, 2019
Strong two-mode parametric interaction and amplification in a nanomechanical resonator
S Cho, SU Cho, M Jo, J Suh, HC Park, SG Kim, SB Shim, YD Park
Physical Review Applied 9 (6), 064023, 2018
Manifestation of axion electrodynamics through magnetic ordering on edges of a topological insulator
YL Lee, HC Park, J Ihm, YW Son
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (37), 11514-11518, 2015
Proposal for high sensitivity force sensor inspired by auditory hair cells
T Song, HC Park, KH Ahn
Applied Physics Letters 95 (1), 2009
Thermal-magnetic-electric oscillator based on spin-valve effect
AM Kadigrobov, S Andersson, HC Park, D Radić, RI Shekhter, M Jonson, ...
Journal of applied physics 111 (4), 2012
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