Hajar (Maryam) Siar
Hajar (Maryam) Siar
Postdoctoral researcher, Umeå University
cs.umu.se의 이메일 확인됨
Using the gravitational emulation local search algorithm to solve the multi-objective flexible dynamic job shop scheduling problem in Small and Medium Enterprises
AAR Hosseinabadi, H Siar, S Shamshirband, M Shojafar, MHNM Nasir
Annals of Operations Research 229, 451-474, 2015
Non-cooperative power and latency aware load balancing in distributed data centers
R Tripathi, S Vignesh, V Tamarapalli, AT Chronopoulos, H Siar
Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing 107, 76-86, 2017
An effective game theoretic static load balancing applied to distributed computing
H Siar, K Kiani, AT Chronopoulos
Cluster Computing 18, 1609-1623, 2015
Offloading Coalition Formation for Scheduling Scientific Workflow Ensembles in Fog Environments
H Siar, M Izadi
Journal of Grid Computing 19 (34), 1-20, 2021
A combination of game theory and genetic algorithm for load balancing in distributed computer systems
H Siar, K Kiani, AT Chronopoulos
International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms 9 (1), 82-95, 2017
Static task scheduling in cooperative distributed systems based on soft computing techniques
H Siar, SH Nabavi, S Shahaboddin
Australian journal of basic and applied sciences 4 (6), 1518-1526, 2010
WIDESim: A toolkit for simulating resource management techniques of scientific Workflows in Distributed Environments with graph topology
MA Rayej, H Siar, M Izadi
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.03538, 2022
Static task scheduling in homogeneous multiprocessor systems based on genetic algorithm
M Aboutalebi, H Siar, HHS Javadi
Software Technology And Engineering, 162-168, 2009
Selfish routing game-based multi-resource allocation and fair scheduling of indivisible jobs in edge environments
H Siar, M Izadi
IEEE Access 10, 129042-129054, 2022
A priority based algorithm for task graph scheduling in multiprocessor systems
H Siar, K Kiani
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