Окіпний Ігор Богданович (Okipnyi I.B., Okipnyi Igor, Okipnyi Igor B.)
Окіпний Ігор Богданович (Okipnyi I.B., Okipnyi Igor, Okipnyi Igor B.)
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University Тернопільський національний технічний університет
tntu.edu.ua의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Impact of long-term operation on the reliability and durability of transit gas pipelines
O Igor, P Lyubomyr, Z Vasyl, H Andrii, P Liubov, S Andrij, K Viktoria, R Ihor
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 70 (1), 115-126, 2020
Fracture mechanism analysis of the heat-resistant steel 15Kh2MFA (II) after laser shock-wave processing
IB Okipnyi, PO Maruschak, VI Zakiev, VS Mocharskyi
Journal of Failure Analysis and Prevention 14, 668-674, 2014
Crack tip strain localisation on mechanics of fracture of heat resistant steel after hydrogenation
PV Yasniy, IB Okipnyi, PO Maruschak, SV Panin, IV Konovalenko
Theoretical and Applied Fracture Mechanics 63, 63-68, 2013
Study of heat-resistant steel strain hardening by indentation
PO Maruschak, IB Okipnyi, LY Poberezhnyi, EV Maruschak
Metallurgist 56 (11), 946-951, 2013
Toughness and failure of heat resistant steel before and after hydrogenation
PV Yasniy, IB Okipnyi, PO Maruschak, RT Bishchak, AP Sorochak
Theoretical and applied fracture mechanics 56 (2), 63-67, 2011
Minimizing losses during natural gas transportation
L Poberezhny, A Hrytsanchuk, I Okipnyi, L Poberezhna, A Stanetsky, ...
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 69 (1), 97-108, 2019
Reliability assurance of gas-hydrogen mixture transportation by gas pipeline system
V Zapukhlyak, Y Melnychenko, І Оkipnyi, L Poberezhny, Y Grudz, N Drin, ...
Procedia Structural Integrity 36, 378-385, 2022
Microstructure and fracture stresses of plastically deformed and hydrogenated heat-resistant 15Kh2MFA steel
PV Yasnii, VB Hlad’o, IB Okipnyi, OT Tsyrul’nyk
Materials Science 44 (3), 441-445, 2008
Energy saving thermal systems on the mobile platform of the mini-bakery
I Stadnyk, V Piddubnyi, A Chahaida, V Fedoriv, T Hushtan, S Kraievska, ...
Strojnícky časopis-Journal of Mechanical Engineering 73 (1), 169-186, 2023
FEM prediction of the influence of warm prestressing on fracture toughness of heat-resistant steel
PV Yasnii, YI Pyndus, VB Glad’o, IB Okipnyi, IV Shul’gan
Strength of materials 43, 113-121, 2011
Relationship between rupture stress and microstructure parameters of plastically deformed heat-resistant steel
PV Yasnii, VB Glad’o, IB Okipnyi
Strength of materials 39 (4), 349-357, 2007
Structural-hierarchical mechanism for cracking reactor steel after preliminary thermomechanical loading
I Okipnyi, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis
Solid State Phenomena 220, 720-724, 2015
Measurement of deformation hardening of heat-resistant steel of the WWER-type reactor
I Okipnyi, P Maruschak, A Sorochak, F Sergejev
Proc. 8th Int. DAAAM Baltic Conf. on ‘Industrial engineering, Tallinn …, 2012
Interrelation between parameters of structural degradation and fracture toughness of heat-resistant steel
IB Okipnyi, PO Maruschak, RT Bishchak, AP Sorochak
Intelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems, ITELMS 2011 …, 2011
Вплив водню і пластичної деформації на напруження сколювання теплостійкої сталі
ОТ Цирульник, ІБ Окіпний
Вісник Тернопільського державного технічного університету 11 (1), 5-11, 2006
Residual lifetime of the plates with preexisting crack near cold expanded hole
P Yasniy, I Okipnyi, O Dyvdyk, A Rudawska, V Senchyshyn
Procedia Structural Integrity 36, 197-202, 2022
Моделювання пошкодження зварних будівельних ферм
НЯ Шингера, ЯО Ковальчук, І Окіпний
Тернопільський національний технічний університет ім. Івана Пулюя, 2011
Assessment of brittle strength of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steel upon warm prestressing
PV Yasniy, IB Okipnyi, YI Pyndus
Springer Science+ Business Media Inc." Strength of Materials", 2010
Automation of acoustic-emission diagnostic systems control processes
V Lytvynenko, I Lure, O Boskin, I Okipnyi
Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету 97 (1), 88-96, 2020
Автоматизированный анализ рельефа поверхности разрушения псевдостереометрическим методом
ИВ Коноваленко, ПО Марущак, ИБ Окипный, ІВ Коноваленко, ...
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