Edi Munawar
Implementation of zero waste concept in waste management of Banda Aceh City
M Nizar, E Munir, E Munawar
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1116 (5), 052045, 2018
Manajemen Pengelolaan Sampah Kota Berdasarkan Konsep Zero Waste: Studi Literatur
M Nizar, E Munir, E Munawar, I Irvan
Jurnal Serambi Engineering 1 (2), 2017
The development of landfill operation and management in Indonesia
E Munawar, Y Yunardi, J Lederer, J Fellner
The development of landfill operation and management in Indonesia, 1-15, 2017
Production and characterization refuse derived fuel (RDF) from high organic and moisture contents of municipal solid waste (MSW)
P Dianda, E Munawar
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 334 (1), 012035, 2018
Guidelines for design and operation of municipal solid waste landfills in tropical climates
E Munawar, J Fellner
ISWA–the International Solid Waste Association, 2013
Investigation of the potential biomass waste source for biocoke production in Indonesia: A review
A Gani, E Munawar, R Mamat, SM Rosdi
Energy Reports 10, 2417-2438, 2023
Irvan 2018 IOP Conf
M Nizar, E Munir, E Munawar
Ser: Journal of Physics 1116 (5), 052045, 0
Landfill leachate management in Indonesia: a review
N Emalya, E Munawar, W Rinaldi, Y Yunardi
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 845 (1), 012032, 2020
Nanocrystalline zeolite Y: synthesis and heavy metal removal
S Muhammad, E Munawar
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan 6 (2), 55-62, 2007
Comparative analysis of HHV and LHV values of biocoke fuel from palm oil mill solid waste
A Gani, H Desvita, E Munawar, R Mamat, M Nizar, Y Darnas, RE Sarjono
Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 9, 100581, 2024
Experimental study of CO2 utilization as a density modification agent for maximizing palm shells and kernels separation efficiency
M Muhammad, M Marwan, E Munawar, M Zaki
South African Journal of Chemical Engineering 42, 283-289, 2022
The effect of carbon dioxide gas pressure on solubility, density and pH of carbon dioxide–Water mixtures
F Mulana, E Munawar, H Heldiana, M Rahmi
Materials Today: Proceedings 63, S46-S49, 2022
Preparation and characterization of chemically activated adsorbent from the combination of coconut shell and fly ash
TD Gunawan, E Munawar, S Muchtar
Materials Today: Proceedings 63, S40-S45, 2022
Analysis the potential gas production of old municipal solid waste landfill as an alternative energy source: Preliminary results
AP Hayati, N Emalya, E Munawar, T Schwarzböck, J Lederer, J Fellner
IOP conference series: materials science and engineering 334 (1), 012031, 2018
Removal of organic and nitrogen compounds from domestic landfill leachate by microalgae
N Emalya, L Mairiza, PZ Bilqis, S Suhendrayatna, E Munawar, Y Yunardi
Biointerface Research in Appl Chemist 13, 2023
Refuse derived fuels in the cement industry–potentials in Indonesia to curb greenhouse gas emissions
T Schwarzböck, E Munawar, J Lederer, J Fellner
International Conference on Engineering and Science for Research and …, 2016
Estimation CO2, Non-CO2 GHGs and Other Gas pollutant Emissions of Indonesia’s Urea Fertilizer Factories
E Munawar, M Ubaura, N Goto, K Fujie
World 45, 100, 2003
Pengaruh Pemberian Tekanan dan Pemanasan Terhadap Densitas Bahan Bakar (Bio-Coke) Berbasis Biomassa Bonggol Jagung
A Gani, E Erdiwansyah, E Munawar, M Faisal, M Reza
Jurnal Serambi Engineering 8 (3), 2023
Program Doktor Program Studi Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan USU
M Nizar, E Munir, E Munawar
M., Pengajar Fakultas Teknik, S., Serambi Mekkah, U., Aceh, B., Pengajar …, 2017
Landfilling in Tropical Climates: Measures for Better Design and Operation
E Munawar, J Fellner
Proceeding Conference: ISWA World Congress, 7-11, 2013
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