Michael Gonin
Managing social-business tensions: A review and research agenda for social enterprise
WK Smith, M Gonin, ML Besharov
Business Ethics Quarterly 23 (3), 407-442, 2013
Neither bad apple nor bad barrel: How the societal context impacts unethical behavior in organizations
M Gonin, G Palazzo, U Hoffrage
Business Ethics: A European Review 21 (1), 31-46, 2012
Adam Smith’s Contribution to Business Ethics, Then and Now
M Gonin
Journal of Business Ethics 129 (1), 221-236, 2015
Business research, self-fulfilling prophecy, and the inherent responsibility of scholars
M Gonin
Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (1), 33-58, 2007
“Social Enterprise in Switzerland: An Overview of Existing Streams, Practices and Institutional Structures
M Gonin, N Gachet
http://www.iap-socent.be/sites/default/files/Switzerland%20-%20Gonin%20%26 …, 2015
Toward a Statistically Robust Assessment of Social and Solidarity Economy Actors. Conceptual Development and Empirical Validation. EMES-SOCENT Conference Selected Papers, Nr
M Gonin, JC Zuchuat, N Gachet, L Houmard
ECSP-LG13-71. Online: http://iap-socent. be/emes-socent-conference-papers …, 2013
L'entrepreneuriat dans l'économie sociale et solidaire: Plus qu'on ne le pense!
M Gonin, N Gachet, JP Lachance
Revue économique et sociale 71 (1), 23-39, 2013
Holistic Approach to Sufficient, Reliable, and Efficient Electricity Supply in Hospitals of Developing Countries: Cameroon Case Study
GM Ngounou, M Gonin, N Gachet, N Crettenand
Sustainable Access to Energy in the Global South, 59-77, 2015
La gouvernance participative dans les coopératives
N Gachet, M Gonin
Université de Lausanne (ouvrage édité), 2013
Die Trennung des Unternehmens vom Bürger – eine historisch-kritische Perspektive
M Gonin
E. Patry & P. Ulrich (Eds.) Marktwirtschaft als Teil einer …, 2006
La coopérative, un modèle d’avenir ? Colloque interdisciplinaire sur le présent et devenir des coopératives en suisse romande
N Gachet, M Gonin
Université de Lausanne (ouvrage édité), 2014
Managing Social-Business Tensions: A Review and Research Agenda for Social Enterprises
M Gonin, MHP Besharov, WK Smith
Academy of Management Proceedings 2013 (1), 11745, 2013
Raising the Level of Moral Thinking among Managers Will Not Help. Kohlberg's Conventionality and Systemic Ethical Flaws in Business
M Gonin, G Palazzo
B. Rok & J. Sokolowska (Eds.) Tradition and New Horizons: Towards the Virtue …, 2012
A Two-Dimensional Mapping of Socio-Economic Organizations
M Gonin, N Gachet
3rd EMES Conference, Roskilde, DK, 2011
Tackling Unethical Behavior in Organizations by Integrating Multiple Approaches
M Gonin
Academy of Management Proceedings 2015 (1), 11069, 2015
Auswirkungen des Social-Entrepreneurship-Trends für das Sozialmanagement in der Schweiz
M Gonin
Soziale Versorgung zukunftsfähig gestalten, 143-150, 2015
The Social Disembedding of Business Theory and Practice: A (Neo-) Institutional Analysis of the Homo Economicus and Corporate Social Responsibility, and the Inherent …
M Gonin
HEC Lausanne, University of Lausanne, 2008
It is Better to Change the Context than the Individual: Kohlberg’s Teaching for Economic Morality
M Gonin
B. Wempe & J. M. Logsdon (Eds.) IABS 2007 Proceedings, 33-38, 2007
Spécificités et contributions de la nébuleuse de l'économie sociale et solidaire
N Gachet, M Gonin
Université de Lausanne, 2015
Toward a comprehensive conceptualization of business organizations and their members from a sensemaking perspective. Lessons learned from Picassoâeuro? s cubism
M Gonin
28th EGOS Colloquium, Helsinki, July 2012 Sub-Theme 26: Exploring the …, 2012
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