Yihao Tang
A comprehensive modeling procedure for estimating statistical properties of forced ignition
Y Tang, M Hassanaly, V Raman, B Sforzo, J Seitzman
Combustion and Flame 206, 158-176, 2019
Probabilistic modeling of forced ignition of alternative jet fuels
Y Tang, M Hassanaly, V Raman, BA Sforzo, J Seitzman
Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38 (2), 2589-2596, 2021
Numerical investigation of pressure effects on soot formation in laminar coflow ethylene/air diffusion flames
J Guo, Y Tang, V Raman, HG Im
Fuel 292, 120176, 2021
Simulation of gas turbine ignition using large eddy simulation approach
Y Tang, M Hassanaly, V Raman, BA Sforzo, S Wei, JM Seitzman
Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air 51067, V04BT04A007, 2018
Large eddy simulation of premixed turbulent combustion using a non-adiabatic, strain-sensitive flamelet approach
Y Tang, V Raman
Combustion and Flame 234, 111655, 2021
Data-driven analysis of relight variability of jet fuels induced by turbulence
M Hassanaly, Y Tang, S Barwey, V Raman
Combustion and Flame 225, 453-467, 2021
Turbulent mixing and combustion of supercritical jets
ST Chong, Y Tang, M Hassanaly, V Raman
55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0141, 2017
Improvement of skin friction and heat transfer prediction theory of turbulent boundary-layer combustion of hydrogen
H Liu, Z Gao, Y Tang, C Jiang, CH Lee
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 42 (41), 26123-26131, 2017
Computational modeling of boundary layer flashback in a swirling stratified flame using a LES-based non-adiabatic tabulated chemistry approach
X Jiang, Y Tang, Z Liu, V Raman
Entropy 23 (5), 567, 2021
CFD modeling of lean blowout and ignition fuel sensitivity
MS Anand, JA Lovett, JA Moder, T Wey, M Ihme, L Esclapez, PC Ma, ...
Fuel Effects on Operability of Aircraft Gas Turbine Combustors, 365-418, 2021
Numerical Study on Flame Stabilization Mechanism of a multi-jet burner with LES Flamelet Approach
Y Tang, H Koo, C Lietz, V Raman
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1395, 2016
Numerical simulation of forced ignition of Jet-fuel/air using large eddy simulation (LES) and a tabulation-based ignition
Y Tang, M Hassanaly, V Raman, B Sforzo, JM Seitzman
AIAA Scitech 2019 Forum, 2242, 2019
Three-dimensional diagnosis of lean premixed turbulent swirl flames using tomographic background oriented Schlieren
J Li, Y Xiong, Y Tang, W Han, C Pan, J Wang
Physics of Fluids 36 (5), 2024
An analysis of soot formation pathways in laminar coflow ethylene flame at higher pressures
J Guo, P Selvaraj, Y Tang, HG Im, V Raman
AIAA Scitech 2020 Forum, 1660, 2020
Stabilization of Hydrogen-enriched Jet Flames in a Crossflow
V Sharma, Y Tang, V Raman
AIAA SCITECH 2024 Forum, 0393, 2024
Large eddy simulation of flame stabilization in a multi-jet burner using a non-adiabatic flamelet approach
Y Tang, M Hassanaly, H Koo, V Raman
54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1395, 2016
Numerical Prediction of Turbulent Non-Premixed Forced Ignition in Altitude Relight
Y Tang
Numerical and Experimental Study of an Aircraft Igniter Plasma Jet Discharge
Y Tang, J Kim, B Sforzo, R Scarcelli, V Raman
Journal of Propulsion and Power 39 (6), 824-839, 2023
An adaptive implicit time-integration scheme for stiff chemistry based on Jacobian tabulation method
S Rao, W Zhou, W Han, Y Tang, X Xu
Combustion and Flame 274, 113997, 2025
Effects of strain and pressure on entropy generation in laminar flames
S Xue, Y Tang, W Han, L Yang
Combustion and Flame 269, 113688, 2024
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