Fenta Assefa
Fenta Assefa
University of Gondar
uog.edu.et의 이메일 확인됨
Status and control measures of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) infestations in maize fields in Ethiopia: A review
F Assefa, D Ayalew
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5 (1), 1641902, 2019
Determinants of Wheat Commercialization among Smallholder Farmers in Debre Elias Woreda, Ethiopia
ZA Birara Endalew ,Mezegebu Aynalem, Fenta Assefa
Advances in Agriculture 2020, 2020
Status of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), biology and control measures on maize crop in Ethiopia: a review
F Assefa
International Journal of Entomological Research 6 (2), 75-85, 2018
Effects of integrated nutrient application on phenological, vegetative growth and yield-related parameters of maize in Ethiopia: A review
H Yigermal, K Nakachew, F Assefa
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5 (1), 1567998, 2019
Effect of urea fertilizer on growth response of food barley
F Assefa, M Maqsood, M Akbar, N Yousaf
Agricultural Journal 13, 40-47, 2018
Evaluation of seed priming and coating on germination and early seedling growth of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) under laboratory condition at Gondar, Ethiopia
Y Tizazu, D Ayalew, G Terefe, F Assefa
Cogent Food & Agriculture 5 (1), 1609252, 2019
Impact of the invasive water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) on socio-economic attributes: a review
H Yigermal, F Assefa
Journal of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences 4 (2), 46-56, 2019
Optimum inter-row spacing and seeding rate of sesame for harnessing the maximum productivity potential in the dry land area of Abergelle District, Northeast Ethiopia
S Lakew, D Ayalew, F Assefa
Cogent food & agriculture 4 (1), 1485471, 2018
Distribution, threats and management options for water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes) in Ethiopia: a review.
H Yigermal, K Nakachew, F Assefa
Compositions, practices and constraints of home garden: the case of Bahir Dar city, Ethiopia
T Yeshiwas, M Alemayehu, F Assefa, S Zelalem
Cogent Food & Agriculture 10 (1), 2298025, 2024
Impact of brewery sludge application on heavy metal build-up, translocation, growth and yield of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) crop in Northern Ethiopia
WT Jebesa, T Astatkie, A Zerfu, HD Kenea, N Abamecha, M Shumuye, ...
Heliyon 10 (11), 2024
Status and control measures of fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda) infestations in maize fields in Ethiopia: a review, Cogent Food Agric. 5 (2019)
F Assefa, D Ayalew, MT Moral
Review on enhancing the efficiency of fertilizer utilization: Strategies for optimal nutrient management
K Nakachew, H Yigermal, F Assefa, Y Gelaye, S Ali
Open Agriculture 9 (1), 20220356, 2024
Applications of biotechnology for enhancing the shelf life of horticultural crops
FAB Tesfahun Belay Mihrete, Melkamu Alemayehu Workie
Journal of Sustainable Agriculture and Environment 3 (3), 2024
The effects of seedling transplanting on growth and yield performance of maize (Zea mays L.) for climate change resilience in Burie District, Northwestern Ethiopia: Dataset Article
H Yigermal, K Nakachew, F Assefa
Data in Brief 54, 110410, 2024
The effect of seed and nitrogen-phosphorous fertilizer rates on growth and yield components of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Burie District, Northwestern Ethiopia …
K Nakachew, F Assefa, H Yigermal
Data in Brief 54, 110308, 2024
Growth and yield components of bread wheat as affected by seed and nitrogen‐phosphorous fertilizer rates in Burie District, Northwestern Ethiopia
K Nakachew, H Yigermal, F Assefa, S Ali, M Simachew, T Gebeyehu
Crop, Forage & Turfgrass Management 11 (1), e70020, 2025
Enhancing maize (Zea mays L.) productivity through optimization of brewery sludge and blended NPS fertilizer in North Mecha District, Northwestern Ethiopia
F Assefa, Z Gebremedhin, T Alem, Y Mengist, W Tesfahun Jebesa
Agrosystems, Geosciences & Environment 7 (3), e20542, 2024
Effects of eco-green and inorganic nitrogen fertilizer rates on growth and green pod yield of hot pepper (Capsicum annum L.) in Bahir Dar Zuria District of Amhara …
B Ateka, M Alemayehu, E Adgo, F Assefa, Y Mengist
Discover Sustainability 5 (1), 127, 2024
Open agriculture: Review on enhancing the efficiency of fertilizer utilization: Strategies for optimal nutrient management
K Nakachew, H Yigermal, F Assefa, Y Gelaye, S Ali
de Gruyter Open, 2024
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