Line A. Kyhn
Line A. Kyhn
Special consultant, Aarhus University
bios.au.dk의 이메일 확인됨
Investigating the potential use of environmental DNA (eDNA) for genetic monitoring of marine mammals
AD Foote, PF Thomsen, S Sveegaard, M Wahlberg, J Kielgast, LA Kyhn, ...
Public Library of Science 7 (8), e41781, 2012
Putting plant resistance traits on the map: a test of the idea that plants are better defended at lower latitudes
AT Moles, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, DI Warton, JC Stegen, AJ Bisigato, ...
New Phytologist 191 (3), 777-788, 2011
Correlations between physical and chemical defences in plants: tradeoffs, syndromes, or just many different ways to skin a herbivorous cat?
AT Moles, B Peco, IR Wallis, WJ Foley, AGB Poore, EW Seabloom, ...
New Phytologist 198 (1), 252-263, 2013
From echolocation clicks to animal density—Acoustic sampling of harbor porpoises with static dataloggers
LA Kyhn, J Tougaard, L Thomas, LR Duve, J Stenback, M Amundin, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 131 (1), 550-560, 2012
Echolocation in sympatric Peale's dolphins (Lagenorhynchus australis) and Commerson's dolphins (Cephalorhynchus commersonii) producing narrow-band high …
LA Kyhn, FH Jensen, K Beedholm, J Tougaard, M Hansen, PT Madsen
Journal of Experimental Biology 213 (11), 1940-1949, 2010
Feeding at a high pitch: Source parameters of narrow band, high-frequency clicks from echolocating off-shore hourglass dolphins and coastal Hector’s dolphins
LA Kyhn, J Tougaard, F Jensen, M Wahlberg, G Stone, A Yoshinaga, ...
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 125 (3), 1783-1791, 2009
Clicking in a killer whale habitat: narrow-band, high-frequency biosonar clicks of harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) and Dall’s porpoise (Phocoenoides dalli)
LA Kyhn, J Tougaard, K Beedholm, FH Jensen, E Ashe, R Williams, ...
PloS one 8 (5), e63763, 2013
Basin-scale distribution of harbour porpoises in the Baltic Sea provides basis for effective conservation actions
I Carlén, L Thomas, J Carlström, M Amundin, J Teilmann, N Tregenza, ...
Biological Conservation 226, 42-53, 2018
Defining management units for cetaceans by combining genetics, morphology, acoustics and satellite tracking
S Sveegaard, A Galatius, R Dietz, L Kyhn, JC Koblitz, M Amundin, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 3, 839-850, 2015
Harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) static acoustic monitoring: laboratory detection thresholds of T-PODs are reflected in field sensitivity
LA Kyhn, J Tougaard, J Teilmann, M Wahlberg, PB Jørgensen, NI Bech
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom 88 (6 …, 2008
Raising your voice: evolution of narrow-band high-frequency signals in toothed whales (Odontoceti)
A Galatius, MT Olsen, ME Steeman, RA Racicot, CD Bradshaw, LA Kyhn, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 126 (2), 213-224, 2019
A risk assessment of the effects of mercury on Baltic Sea, Greater North Sea and North Atlantic wildlife, fish and bivalves
R Dietz, J Fort, C Sonne, C Albert, JO Bustnes, TK Christensen, ...
Environment International 146, 106178, 2021
Movement and seasonal energetics mediate vulnerability to disturbance in marine mammal populations
CA Gallagher, V Grimm, LA Kyhn, CC Kinze, J Nabe-Nielsen
The American Naturalist 197 (3), 296-311, 2021
Vertebrate predator—prey interactions in a seasonal environment
NM Schmidt, TB Berg, MC Forchhammer, DK Hendrichsen, LA Kyhn, ...
Advances in Ecological Research 40, 345-370, 2008
Health assessment of harbour porpoises (Phocoena phocoena) from Baltic area of Denmark, Germany, Poland and Latvia
U Siebert, I Pawliczka, H Benke, V Von Vietinghoff, P Wolf, V Pilāts, ...
Environment international 143, 105904, 2020
Practical management of cumulative anthropogenic impacts with working marine examples
AJ Wright, LA Kyhn
Conservation Biology 29 (2), 333-340, 2015
Transmission loss patterns from acoustic harassment and deterrent devices do not always follow geometrical spreading predictions
AD Shapiro, J Tougaard, PB Jørgensen, LA Kyhn, JD Balle, C Bernardez, ...
Marine Mammal Science 25 (1), 53-67, 2009
Pingers cause temporary habitat displacement in the harbour porpoise Phocoena phocoena
LA Kyhn, PB Jørgensen, J Carstensen, NI Bech, J Tougaard, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 526, 253-265, 2015
Estimating the abundance of the critically endangered Baltic Proper harbour porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) population using passive acoustic monitoring
M Amundin, J Carlström, L Thomas, I Carlén, J Koblitz, J Teilmann, ...
Ecology and Evolution 12 (2), e8554, 2022
Grey seal Halichoerus grypus recolonisation of the southern Baltic Sea, Danish Straits and Kattegat
A Galatius, J Teilmann, M Dähne, M Ahola, L Westphal, LA Kyhn, ...
Wildlife Biology 2020 (4), 1-10, 2020
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