Yu-Ling Hsueh
Yu-Ling Hsueh
cs.ccu.edu.tw의 이메일 확인됨
A novel time-obfuscated algorithm for trajectory privacy protection
RH Hwang, YL Hsueh, HW Chung
IEEE Transactions on Services Computing 7 (2), 126-139, 2013
Map matching for low-sampling-rate GPS trajectories by exploring real-time moving directions
YL Hsueh, HC Chen
Information Sciences 433, 55-69, 2018
An effective taxi recommender system based on a spatio-temporal factor analysis model
RH Hwang, YL Hsueh, YT Chen
Information Sciences 314, 28-40, 2015
Human behavior recognition from multiview videos
YL Hsueh, WN Lie, GY Guo
Information Sciences 517, 275-296, 2020
Personalized itinerary recommendation with time constraints using GPS datasets
YL Hsueh, HM Huang
Knowledge and information systems 60 (1), 523-544, 2019
Efficient cache-supported path planning on roads
Y Zhang, YL Hsueh, WC Lee, YH Jhang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 28 (4), 951-964, 2015
Efficient updates for continuous skyline computations
YL Hsueh, R Zimmermann, WS Ku
International Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications, 419-433, 2008
A short-term traffic speed prediction model based on LSTM networks
YL Hsueh, YR Yang
International journal of intelligent transportation systems research 19 (3 …, 2021
SocialHide: A generic distributed framework for location privacy protection
RH Hwang, YL Hsueh, JJ Wu, FH Huang
Journal of Network and Computer Applications 76, 87-100, 2016
Bc-store: A scalable design for blockchain storage
IT Chou, HH Su, YL Hsueh, CW Hsueh
Proceedings of the 2nd International Electronics Communication Conference, 33-38, 2020
A hidden Markov model-based map-matching approach for low-sampling-rate GPS trajectories
YL Hsueh, HC Chen, WJ Huang
2017 IEEE 7th International Symposium on Cloud and Service Computing (SC2 …, 2017
Partition-based lazy updates for continuous queries over moving objects
YL Hsueh, R Zimmermann, H Wang, WS Ku
Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM international symposium on Advances in …, 2007
A task-oriented chatbot based on LSTM and reinforcement learning
TL Chou, YL Hsueh
Proceedings of the 2019 3rd international conference on natural language …, 2019
Abnormal event detection using Bayesian networks at a smart home
YL Hsueh, NH Lin, CC Chang, OTC Chen, WN Lie
2015 8th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA), 273-277, 2015
Approximate continuous k nearest neighbor queries for continuous moving objects with pre-defined paths
YL Hsueh, R Zimmermann, MH Yang
International Conference on Conceptual Modeling, 270-279, 2005
An efficient indexing method for skyline computations with partially ordered domains
YL Hsueh, CC Lin, CC Chang
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 29 (5), 963-976, 2017
Abnormal event detection using microsoft kinect in a smart home
HY Lin, YL Hsueh, WN Lie
2016 International Computer Symposium (ICS), 285-289, 2016
A Task-oriented Chatbot Based on LSTM and Reinforcement Learning
YL Hsueh, TL Chou
ACM Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing …, 2022
Caching support for skyline query processing with partially-ordered domains
YL Hsueh, R Zimmermann, WS Ku
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Advances in Geographic …, 2012
Convolutional recurrent neural networks for posture analysis in fall detection
HY Lin, YL Hsueh, WN Lie
Journal of Information Science and Engineering 34 (3), 577-591, 2018
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