Bassey A. Bassey
Bassey A. Bassey
unical.edu.ng의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Exploring the potential of artificial intelligence tools in educational measurement and assessment
VJ Owan, KB Abang, DO Idika, EO Etta, BA Bassey
Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science and Technology Education 19 (8), em2307, 2023
Quality assurance practices and students’ performance evaluation in universities of South-South Nigeria: A structural equation modelling approach
BA Bassey, VJ Owan, JN Agunwa
British Journal of Psychological Research 7 (3), 1-13, 2019
User satisfaction with services in three academic libraries in Cross River State: a comparative study
BA Bassey
Gateway Library Journal 9 (2), 21-29, 2006
Ethical issues in educational research management and practice
BA Bassey, VJ Owan
Bassey, BA & Owan, VJ (2019). Ethical issues in educational research …, 2019
Test anxiety, self-esteem and academic performance among secondary school students in Cross River State, Nigeria
BE Effiom, BA Bassey
International Journal of Education and Evaluation 4 (9), 18-27, 2018
Data management practices in Educational Research
VJ Owan, BA Bassey
Owan, VJ & Bassey, BA (2019). Data management practices in educational …, 2019
Data Management Practices and Educational Research Effectiveness of University Lecturers in South-South Nigeria
FN Odigwe, BA Bassey, VJ Owan
Journal of Educational and Social Research (JESR) 10 (3), 24-34, 2020
Nexus Between Students’, Teachers’ and School System Effectiveness: Construction and Factorial Validity of a Measuring Instrument
BA Bassey, VJ Owan, EA Eze
British Journal of Education 7 (7), 62-75, 2019
Contributions of placement, retraining and motivation to teachers' job commitment: Structural equation modelling of the linkages
VJ Owan, FN Odigwe, AE Okon, JU Duruamaku-Dim, IO Ubi, ...
Heliyon 8 (4), e09334, 2022
Validation of an instrument and measurement of employee work-life policies, psychological Empowerment, and job commitment of academic staff in universities
VJ Owan, BA Bassey, U Friday Mbon, AE Okon, EO Ene, SO Ekaette, ...
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences 11 (2), 2020
Test anxiety, attitude to schooling, parental influence, and peer pressure as predictors of students cheating tendencies in examination in Edo State, Nigeria
BA Bassey, J Iruoje
Global Journal of Social Sciences, 2016
Student’s evaluation of instruction, Attitude towards Mathematics and Mathematics Achievement of SS3 Students in Southern Cross River State
BA Bassey
Unpublished M. ed. Thesis, University of Calabar, Calabar, Nigeria, 2002
Resource Sharing among Nigerian University Law Libraries: A State of the Art.
OO Lawal, BA Bassey, OE Ani
African Journal Of Library, Archives & Information Science 18 (1), 2008
Teachers’ attitudes towards learners with disability scale (TALDS): Construction and psychometric analysis
BA Bassey, VJ Owan, E Ikwen, E Amanso
Bassey, BA, Owan, VJ, Ikwen, EU, & Amanso, EO (2020). Teachers’ attitudes …, 2020
Permutation of UTME Multiple-Choice Test Items on Performance in Use of English and Mathematics Among Prospective Higher Education Students
BA Bassey, IO Ubi, GE Anagbougu, VJ Owan
The Journal of Social Sciences Research 6 (4), 483 - 493, 2020
Curriculum Management and Graduate Programmes' Viability: The Mediation of Institutional Effectiveness Using PLS-SEM Approach.
VJ Owan, EE Emanghe, CP Denwigwe, E Etudor-Eyo, AA Usoro, ...
Journal of Curriculum and Teaching 11 (5), 114-127, 2022
Teachers' perceptions of students' evaluation of teaching effectiveness
MT Joshua, BA Bassey
Legon Journal of the Humanities 16, 73-82, 2005
Poll Everywhere E-Learning Platform, Test Anxiety, and Undergraduates’ Academic Performance in Mathematics: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria
VJ Owan, BA Bassey, GO Omorobi, UU Esuong
American Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 5 (1), 141-150, 2020
Interactive effect of gender, test anxiety, and test items sequencing on academic-performance of SS3 students in Mathematics in Calabar Education Zone, Cross River State, Nigeria
VJ Owan, BA Bassey, ES Ini
Comparative Study of Manual and Computerized Software Techniques of Data Management and Analysis in Educational Research.
VJ Owan, BA Bassey
International Journal of Innovation in Educational Management (IJIEM) 2 (1 …, 2018
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