Álvaro Choi
Álvaro Choi
ub.edu의 이메일 확인됨
Determinantes del riesgo de fracaso escolar en España: una aproximación a través de un análisis logístico multinivel aplicado a PISA-2006
J Calero, Á Choi, S Waisgrais
España. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2010
Determinantes del riesgo de fracaso escolar en España en PISA-2009 y propuestas de reforma
Á Choi de Mendizábal, J Calero Martínez
España. Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2013
The efficiency of public and publicly subsidized high schools in Spain: Evidence from PISA-2006
MJ Mancebón, J Calero, Á Choi, DP Ximénez-de-Embún
Journal of the operational research Society 63 (11), 1516-1533, 2012
Determinantes del rendimiento educativo del alumnado de origen nacional e inmigrante en PISA-2006
J Calero, Á Choi, S Waisgrais
Cuadernos económicos de ICE, 2009
Regulating private tutoring consumption in Korea: Lessons from another failure
H Choi, Á Choi
International Journal of Educational Development 49, 144-156, 2016
Two-Sample Two-Stage Least Squares (TSTSLS) estimates of earnings mobility: how consistent are they?
J Jerrim, Á Choi, R Simancas Rodríguez
IEB Working Paper, 2014
Private tutoring and academic achievement in Korea: An approach through PISA-2006
Á Choi, J Calero, JO Escardíbul
Kedi journal of educational policy 9 (2), 2012
The use (and misuse) of PISA in guiding policy reform: the case of Spain
Á Choi, J Jerrim
Comparative Education, 2016
La evaluación como instrumento de política educativa
J Calero, A Choi
Presupuesto y gasto público 67 (2012), 000-000, 2012
The mathematics skills of school children: how does England compare to the high-performing East Asian jurisdictions?
J Jerrim, Á Choi
Journal of Education Policy 29 (3), 349-376, 2014
Predictors and effects of grade repetition in Spain
AC de Mendizábal, MG Izquierdo, MM Bordalejo, JV Gómez
Revista de economía mundial, 2018
La equidad en educación
J Calero, A Choi de Mendizábal
Informe analítico del sistema educativo español, 2006
Effects of grade retention policies: A literature review of empirical studies applying causal inference
J Valbuena, M Mediavilla, Á Choi, M Gil
Journal of Economic Surveys 35 (2), 408-451, 2021
The evolution of educational inequalities in Spain: dynamic evidence from repeated cross-sections
Á Choi, M Gil, M Mediavilla, J Valbuena
Social Indicators Research 138, 853-872, 2018
Rendimiento académico y titularidad de centro en España
A Choi, J Calero
Universidad de Granada, 2012
The evolution of gender gaps in numeracy and literacy between childhood and young adulthood
F Borgonovi, Á Choi, M Paccagnella
Economics of Education Review 82, 102119, 2021
El fracaso escolar en la Europa mediterránea a través de PISA-2009: radiografía de una realidad latente
J Calero, JO Escardíbul, Á Choi
Revista Española de Educación Comparada 19, 69-103, 2012
The evolution of gender gaps in numeracy and literacy between childhood and adulthood
F Borgonovi, Á Choi, M Paccagnella
OECD, 2018
Efectos de la repetición de curso y alternativas
A Choi
Fundación Alternativas, Laboratorio. Recuperado de http://www …, 2017
Labor markets, academic performance and school dropout risk: evidence for Spain
J Guio, Á Choi, JO Escardíbul
International Journal of Manpower 39 (2), 301-318, 2018
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