Volodymyr Savkiv
Volodymyr Savkiv
다른 이름Савків Володимир Богданович
Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University Тернопільський національний технічний університет
tntu.edu.ua의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Progress and challenges in smart grids: distributed generation, smart metering, energy storage and smart loads
I Diahovchenko, M Kolcun, Z Čonka, V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn
Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical …, 2020
Автоматизація виробничих процесів. Навчальний посібник для технічних спеціальностей вищих навчальних закладів.
ЯІ Проць, ВБ Савків, ОК Шкодзінський, ОЛ Ляшук
Orientation Modeling of Bernoulli Gripper Device with Off-Centered Masses of the Manipulating Object
OF Volodymyr Savkiv, Roman Mykhailyshyn
Procedia Engineering 187, 264-271, 2017
A systematic review on pneumatic gripping devices for industrial robots
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, P Maruschak, J Xiao
Transport 37 (3), 201–231-201–231, 2022
Justification of design and parameters of Bernoulli–vacuum gripping device
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, F Duchon, O Fendo
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 14 (6), 1729881417741740, 2017
Gasdynamic analysis of the Bernoulli grippers interaction with the surface of flat objects with displacement of the center of mass
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, F Duchon
Vacuum 159, 524-533, 2019
Modeling of Bernoulli gripping device orientation when manipulating objects along the arc
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, F Duchon, M Mikhalishin
International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems 15 (2), 1729881418762670, 2018
Energy efficiency analysis of the manipulation process by the industrial objects with the use of Bernoulli gripping devices
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, F Duchon, M Mikhalishin
Journal of Electrical Engineering 68 (6), 496-502, 2017
Gripping devices of industrial robots for manipulating offset dish antenna billets and controlling their shape
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, P Maruschak, V Kyrylovych, F Duchon, ...
Transport 36 (1), 63-74, 2021
Experimental research of the manipulatiom process by the objects using bernoulli gripping devices
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, M Mikhalishin, F Duchon
2017 IEEE International Young Scientists Forum on Applied Physics and …, 2017
Optimization of bernoulli gripping device’s orientation under the process of manipulations along direct trajectory
RI Mykhailyshyn, YI Prots, VB Savkiv
Вісник Тернопільського національного технічного університету 81 (1), 107-117, 2016
Substantiation of Bernoulli grippers parameters at non-contact transportation of objects with a displaced center of mass
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, F Duchon, P Maruschak, O Prentkovskis
Transport Means 2018: Proceedings of the 22nd International Scientific …, 2018
Investigation of the Energy Consumption on Performance of Handling Operations Taking Into Account Parameters of the Grasping System
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, F Duchon, V Koloskov, IM Diahovchenko
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Analysis of Frontal Resistance Force Influence During Manipulation of Dimensional Objects
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, F Duchon, V Koloskov, IM Diahovchenko
2018 IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Energy and Power …, 2018
Програмування мовою С# 7.0: навч. посіб
ІВ Коноваленко, ПО Марущак, ВБ Савків
Тернопіль: Тернопільський національний технічний унверситет імені Івана Пулюя, 2017
Research of Energy Efficiency of Manipulation of Dimensional Objects with the Use of Pneumatic Gripping Devices
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, F Duchon, R Trembach, IM Diahovchenko
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Protection of Digital Power Meters Under the Influence of Strong Magnetic Fields
IM Diahovchenko, RG Olsen, D Danylchenko, R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv
2019 IEEE 2nd Ukraine Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering …, 2019
Gripping device for textile materials
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, AM Fey, J Xiao
IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering 20 (4), 2397-2408, 2022
Substantiation of Parameters of Friction Elements of Bernoulli Grippers With a Cylindrical Nozzle
R Mykhailyshyn, V Savkiv, I Boyko, E Prada, I Virgala
International Journal of Manufacturing, Materials, and Mechanical …, 2021
Optimization of design parameters of Bernoulli gripper with an annular nozzle
V Savkiv, R Mykhailyshyn, P Maruschak, L Chovanec, E Prada, I Virgala, ...
Transport Means 2019: Sustainability: Research and Solutions: Proceedings of …, 2019
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