salhi hicham
salhi hicham
Laboratory of Applied Research in Hydraulics, University of Mustapha Ben Boulaid-Batna 2, Algeria
univ-batna2.dz의 이메일 확인됨
Assessment of surface water quality using water quality index and discriminant analysis method
A Mammeri, A Tiri, L Belkhiri, H Salhi, D Brella, E Lakouas, H Tahraoui, ...
Water 15 (4), 680, 2023
Evaluation of diffuse fraction and diffusion coefficient using statistical analysis
H Salhi, L Belkhiri, A Tiri
Applied Water Science 10 (6), 1-12, 2020
Numerical study of natural convection heat transfer performance in an inclined cavity with complex-wavy-wall: nanofluid and random temperature
H Salhi, M Si-Ameur, D Haddad
Computational Thermal Sciences: An International Journal 7 (1), 2015
Identification of the groundwater quality and potential noncarcinogenic health risk assessment of nitrate in the groundwater of El Milia Plain, Kebir Rhumel Basin, Algeria
D Brella, L Belkhiri, A Tiri, H Salhi, FE Lakouas, R Nouibet, A Amrane, ...
Hydrology 10 (8), 171, 2023
Evaluation of the thermal conductivity of nanofluids using statistical analysis methods
H Salhi, N Chafai
Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal 13 (4), 2022
A comparative study between arima model, holt-winters-no seasonal and fuzzy time series for new cases of COVID-19 in Algeria.
A Hadjira, H Salhi, FE Hafa
Numerical study of natural convection of nanofluids in an inclined flat bottom flask using finite-volume approach
N Chafai, H Salhi, K Benobouguerra, S Chafaa
Iran. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. Research Article Vol 41 (7), 2022
Etude numérique de la convection naturelle dans les enceintes: nanofluide
S Hicham
Thèse pour l’obtention du diplôme de doctorat de l’université de Batna, 2015
Convection naturelle dans les enceintes: nanofluide
H Salhi, M Si-Ameur
Journal of Renewable Energies 15 (1), 121–130-121–130, 2012
Etude numérique du transfert de chaleur de nanofluide dans les enceintes
H Salhi
Université de Batna 2, 2009
Numerical Simulation of Heat Transfer in a Square Cavity Filled with Hybrid Nanofluid
H Salhi, N Chafai
Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal 15 (2), 2024
Water quality assessment of hydrochemical parameters and its spatial–temporal distribution: a case study of water resources in the Kebir Rhumel Basin, Algeria
FE Lakouas, A Tiri, L Belkhiri, A Amrane, H Salh, A Rai, L Mouni
Euro-Mediterranean Journal for Environmental Integration, 1-14, 2024
Influence of Hybrid Nanofluids and Source Configuration on Natural Convection in square cavity
H Salhi, N Chafai, I Moussaoui, A Mahamdi
Nanoscience and Technology: An International Journal 15, 2024
Development of new models to predict the corrosion inhibition efficiency as functions of some molecular descriptors using statistical analysis
N Chafai, H Salhi, A Hadjira, K Benbouguerra, L Adjissi, H Abdelkader
Journal of the Indian Chemical Society 100 (9), 101073, 2023
Extreme Precipitation Using Kriging and Co-Kriging Methods
H Salhi
Climate Change in Asia and Africa: Examining the Biophysical and Social …, 2022
Statistical analysis of the solar diffuse fraction radiation using regression analysis of longitudinal data in India
H Salhi, A Hadjira, B Jamil
Evaluation of the spatial distribution of the extreme rainfall across Algeria country
H Salhi, A Hadjira, L Belkhiri, A Tiri, L Mouni
Environmental Earth Sciences 83 (14), 440, 2024
Numerical investigation of turbulent mixed convection in a round bottom flask using a hybrid nanofluid
A Baiti, H Salhi, N Chafai
Advances in Mechanical Engineering 15 (9), 16878132231195022, 2023
Etude numérique de la convection naturelle dans les enceintes: nanofluide
H Salhi
Université de Batna 2, 2015
OPEC Basket Monthly Crude Oil Price Forecasting: Comparative Study Between Prophet Facebook, NNAR, FTS Models
A Hadjira, H Salhi, L Choubar
Computational Economics, 1-23, 2024
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