Abdallah Slablab
Abdallah Slablab
Researcher Fellow, Saarland University
physik.uni-saarland.de의 이메일 확인됨
Surface-induced charge state conversion of nitrogen-vacancy defects in nanodiamonds
L Rondin, G Dantelle, A Slablab, F Grosshans, F Treussart, P Bergonzo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (11), 115449, 2010
Photostable second-harmonic generation from a single KTiOPO4 nanocrystal for nonlinear microscopy
L Le Xuan, C Zhou, A Slablab, D Chauvat, C Tard, S Perruchas, T Gacoin, ...
Small 4 (9), 1332-1336, 2008
Second-harmonic generation from coupled plasmon modes in a single dimer of gold nanospheres
A Slablab, L Le Xuan, M Zielinski, Y De Wilde, V Jacques, D Chauvat, ...
Optics express 20 (1), 220-227, 2011
Nanoscale sensing based on nitrogen vacancy centers in single crystal diamond and nanodiamonds: achievements and challenges
M Radtke, E Bernardi, A Slablab, R Nelz, E Neu
Nano Futures 3 (4), 042004, 2019
Efficient production of NV colour centres in nanodiamonds using high-energy electron irradiation
G Dantelle, A Slablab, L Rondin, F Lainé, F Carrel, P Bergonzo, ...
Journal of Luminescence 130 (9), 1655-1658, 2010
Single KTP nanocrystals as second-harmonic generation biolabels in cortical neurons
L Mayer, A Slablab, G Dantelle, V Jacques, AM Lepagnol-Bestel, ...
Nanoscale 5 (18), 8466-8471, 2013
Toward wafer-scale diamond nano-and quantum technologies
R Nelz, J Görlitz, D Herrmann, A Slablab, M Challier, M Radtke, M Fischer, ...
Apl Materials 7 (1), 2019
Coherent nonlinear emission from a single KTP nanoparticle with broadband femtosecond pulses
P Wnuk, LL Xuan, A Slablab, C Tard, S Perruchas, T Gacoin, JF Roch, ...
Optics Express 17 (6), 4652-4658, 2009
Near‐field energy transfer between a luminescent 2D material and color centers in diamond
R Nelz, M Radtke, A Slablab, ZQ Xu, M Kianinia, C Li, C Bradac, ...
Advanced Quantum Technologies 3 (2), 1900088, 2020
Enhancement of bulk second-harmonic generation from silicon nitride films by material composition
K Koskinen, R Czaplicki, A Slablab, T Ning, A Hermans, B Kuyken, ...
Optics letters 42 (23), 5030-5033, 2017
Fabrication of ion-shaped anisotropic nanoparticles and their orientational imaging by second-harmonic generation microscopy
A Slablab, TJ Isotalo, J Mäkitalo, L Turquet, PE Coulon, T Niemi, C Ulysse, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 37469, 2016
Reliable nanofabrication of single-crystal diamond photonic nanostructures for nanoscale sensing
M Radtke, R Nelz, A Slablab, E Neu
Micromachines 10 (11), 718, 2019
Localized plasmonic resonances of prolate nanoparticles in a symmetric environment: Experimental verification of the accuracy of numerical and analytical models
GR M. Kobylko, P-E. Coulon, A. Slablab, A. Fafin, J. Cardin, C. Dufour, A ...
Phys. Rev. Applied 9, 064038, 2018
KTiOPO4 single nanocrystal for second-harmonic generation microscopy
L Le Xuan, D Chauvat, A Slablab, JF Roch, P Wnuk, C Radzewicz
Nanocrystals, 2010
Photoluminescent diamond nanoparticles as labels in cells: study of their optical properties and investigation of their cellular uptake mechanism
O Faklaris
École normale supérieure de Cachan-ENS Cachan, 2009
Bulk second-harmonic generation from thermally evaporated indium selenide thin films
K Koskinen, A Slablab, S Divya, R Czaplicki, S Chervinskii, M Kailasnath, ...
Optics Letters 42 (6), 1076-1079, 2017
Investigation of KTiOPO4 nanocrystals by means of second-harmonic light emission
C Zhou, LL Xuan, A Slablab, N Sandeau, S Brasselet, D Chauvat, ...
Chinese Optics Letters 6 (1), 64-67, 2008
Plasma Treatments and Light Extraction from Fluorinated CVD-Grown (400) Single Crystal Diamond Nanopillars
M Radtke, A Slablab, S Van Vlierberghe, CN Lin, YJ Lu, CX Shan
C 6 (2), 37, 2020
Étude de la génération de rayonnement optique de seconde harmonique dans les systèmes nanométriques et fabrication des sondes optiques pour le champ proche
A Slablab
École normale supérieure de Cachan-ENS Cachan, 2010
Photostable Single KTiOPO4 Nanocrystals for Second-Harmonic Generation Microscopy
L Le Xuan, C Zhou, A Slablab, D Chauvat, N Sandeau, S Brasselet, ...
2007 IEEE/LEOS International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics, 39-40, 2007
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