Professor Vu Ngoc Phat
Professor Vu Ngoc Phat
소속을 알 수 없음
math.ac.vn의 이메일 확인됨
Stability and stabilization of switched linear discrete-time systems with interval time-varying delay
VN Phat, K Ratchagit
Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems 5 (4), 605-612, 2011
LMI approach to exponential stability of linear systems with interval time-varying delays
VN Phat, Y Khongtham, K Ratchagit
Linear Algebra and its Applications 436 (1), 243-251, 2012
Exponential stabilization of neural networks with various activation functions and mixed time-varying delays
VN Phat, H Trinh
IEEE Transactions on neural networks 21 (7), 1180-1184, 2010
Exponential stability and stabilization of a class of uncertain linear time-delay systems
LV Hien, VN Phat
Journal of the Franklin Institute 346 (6), 611-625, 2009
Robust stability and stabilizability of uncertain linear hybrid systems with state delays
VN Phat
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 52 (2), 94-98, 2005
Novel criteria for finite-time stabilization and guaranteed cost control of delayed neural networks
P Niamsup, K Ratchagit, VN Phat
Neurocomputing 160, 281-286, 2015
New criteria for finite-time stability of nonlinear fractional-order delay systems: A Gronwall inequality approach
VN Phat, NT Thanh
Applied Mathematics Letters 83, 169-175, 2018
Stability and stabilization of switched linear dynamic systems with time delay and uncertainties
LV Hien, QP Ha, VN Phat
Applied Mathematics and Computation 210 (1), 223-231, 2009
Robust stabilization of linear uncertain discrete-time systems via a limited capacity communication channel
VN Phat, J Jiang, AV Savkin, IR Petersen
Systems & control letters 53 (5), 347-360, 2004
Switching design for exponential stability of a class of nonlinear hybrid time-delay systems
VN Phat, T Botmart, P Niamsup
Nonlinear analysis: Hybrid systems 3 (1), 1-10, 2009
Stability of linear time-varying delay systems and applications to control problems
VN Phat, P Niamsup
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 194 (2), 343-356, 2006
New generalized Halanay inequalities with applications to stability of nonlinear non-autonomous time-delay systems
LV Hien, VN Phat, H Trinh
Nonlinear dynamics 82, 563-575, 2015
Exponential stability and stabilization of uncertain linear time-varying systems using parameter dependent Lyapunov function
VN Phat, PT Nam
International Journal of Control 80 (8), 1333-1341, 2007
Constrained control problems of discrete processes
VN Phat
World Scientific, 1996
On exponential stability of linear singular positive delayed systems
VN Phat, NH Sau
Applied Mathematics Letters 38, 67-72, 2014
Finite-time stability of singular nonlinear switched time-delay systems: a singular value decomposition approach
NT Thanh, P Niamsup, VN Phat
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (8), 3502-3518, 2017
Delay-dependent exponential stabilization for uncertain linear systems with interval non-differentiable time-varying delays
T Botmart, P Niamsup, VN Phat
Applied Mathematics and Computation 217 (21), 8236-8247, 2011
Switched controller design for stabilization of nonlinear hybrid systems with time-varying delays in state and control
VN Phat
Journal of the Franklin Institute 347 (1), 195-207, 2010
An improved stability criterion for a class of neutral differential equations
PT Nam, VN Phat
Applied Mathematics Letters 22 (1), 31-35, 2009
Stability criterion for discrete-time systems
K Ratchagit, VN Phat
journal of Inequalities and Applications 2010, 1-6, 2010
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