Livia  Bove
Livia Bove
IMPMC-CNRS, Sorbonne Université & LQM-EPFL & Dipartimento di Fisica Università La Sapienza
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X-ray and neutron scattering of water
K Amann-Winkel, MC Bellissent-Funel, LE Bove, T Loerting, A Nilsson, ...
Chemical reviews 116 (13), 7570-7589, 2016
The preparation and structure of salty ice VII under pressure
S Klotz, LE Bove, T Strässle, TC Hansen, AM Saitta
Nature Materials 8 (5), 405-409, 2009
Anomalous proton dynamics in ice at low temperatures
LE Bove, S Klotz, A Paciaroni, F Sacchetti
Physical review letters 103 (16), 165901, 2009
Translational and rotational diffusion in water in the gigapascal range
LE Bove, S Klotz, T Strässle, M Koza, J Teixeira, AM Saitta
Physical review letters 111 (18), 185901, 2013
Effect of salt on the H-bond symmetrization in ice
LE Bove, R Gaal, Z Raza, AA Ludl, S Klotz, AM Saitta, AF Goncharov, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112 (27), 8216-8220, 2015
Advances in the study of supercooled water
P Gallo, J Bachler, LE Bove, R Böhmer, G Camisasca, LE Coronas, ...
The European Physical Journal E 44, 1-36, 2021
Quantum versus classical protons in pure and salty ice under pressure
Y Bronstein, P Depondt, LE Bove, R Gaal, AM Saitta, F Finocchi
Physical Review B 93 (2), 024104, 2016
Neutron investigation of the ion dynamics in liquid mercury: Evidence for collective excitations
LE Bove, F Sacchetti, C Petrillo, B Dorner, F Formisano, F Barocchi
Physical Review Letters 87 (21), 215504, 2001
Structural study of low concentration LiCl aqueous solutions in the liquid, supercooled, and hyperquenched glassy states
K Winkel, M Seidl, T Loerting, LE Bove, S Imberti, V Molinero, F Bruni, ...
The Journal of Chemical Physics 134 (2), 2011
Vibrational dynamics of liquid gallium at 320 and
LE Bove, F Formisano, F Sacchetti, C Petrillo, A Ivanov, B Dorner, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 71 (1), 014207, 2005
Neutron scattering investigation of low-momentum collective ion dynamics in liquid potassium
LE Bove, B Dorner, C Petrillo, F Sacchetti, JB Suck
Physical Review B 68 (2), 024208, 2003
Neutron investigation of collective excitations in liquid K-Cs alloys: the role of the electron density
LE Bove, F Sacchetti, C Petrillo, B Dorner
Physical Review Letters 85 (25), 5352, 2000
Pressure-induced polyamorphism in salty water
LE Bove, S Klotz, J Philippe, AM Saitta
Physical Review Letters 106 (12), 125701, 2011
Brillouin neutron scattering of v-GeO2
LE Bove, E Fabiani, A Fontana, F Paoletti, C Petrillo, O Pilla, ICV Bento
Europhysics Letters 71 (4), 563, 2005
Picosecond acoustics method for measuring the thermodynamical properties of solids and liquids at high pressure and high temperature
F Decremps, M Gauthier, S Ayrinhac, L Bove, L Belliard, B Perrin, ...
Ultrasonics 56, 129-140, 2015
Pressure-induced transformations in LiCl–H 2 O at 77 K
GN Ruiz, LE Bove, HR Corti, T Loerting
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 16 (34), 18553-18562, 2014
Ice VII from aqueous salt solutions: From a glass to a crystal with broken H-bonds
S Klotz, K Komatsu, F Pietrucci, H Kagi, AA Ludl, S Machida, T Hattori, ...
Scientific Reports 6 (1), 32040, 2016
Equation of state of liquid mercury to 520 K and 7 GPa from acoustic velocity measurements
S Ayrinhac, M Gauthier, LE Bove, M Morand, G Le Marchand, F Bergame, ...
The Journal of chemical physics 140 (24), 2014
High-frequency dynamics of vitreous
L Orsingher, G Baldi, A Fontana, LE Bove, T Unruh, A Orecchini, C Petrillo, ...
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 82 (11), 115201, 2010
Fast methane diffusion at the interface of two clathrate structures
U Ranieri, MM Koza, WF Kuhs, S Klotz, A Falenty, P Gillet, LE Bove
Nature communications 8 (1), 1076, 2017
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