Christian Vasseur
Christian Vasseur
CRIStAL lab - University of Lille - France
univ-lille.fr의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
A computer-assisted system for 3-D frameless localization in stereotaxic MRI
P Clarysse, D Gibon, J Rousseau, S Blond, C Vasseur, X Marchandise
IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 10 (4), 523-529, 1991
An approximate solution to normal mixture identification with application to unsupervised pattern classification
JG Postaire, CPA Vasseur
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 163-179, 1981
Control of linear systems using piecewise continuous systems
V Koncar, C Vasseur
IEE Proceedings-Control Theory and Applications 150 (6), 565-576, 2003
The genesis of bowel sounds: influence of viscus and gastrointestinal content
JP Politzer, G Devroede, C Vasseur, J Gerard, R Thibault
Gastroenterology 71 (2), 282-285, 1976
A fast algorithm for nonparametric probability density estimation
JG Postaire, C Vasseur
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 663-666, 1982
Vision servoing of robot systems using piecewise continuous controllers and observers
HP Wang, C Vasseur, N Christov, V Koncar
Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 33, 132-141, 2012
Filtering by optimal projection and application to automatic artifact removal from EEG
S Boudet, L Peyrodie, P Gallois, C Vasseur
Signal processing 87 (8), 1978-1992, 2007
Volume delineation by fusion of fuzzy sets obtained from multiplanar tomographic images
S Vial, D Gibon, C Vasseur, J Rousseau
IEEE Transactions on medical imaging 20 (12), 1362-1372, 2001
Treatment planning optimization by conjugate gradients and simulated annealing methods in stereotactic radiosurgery.
D Gibon, J Rousseau, B Castelain, S Blond, C Vasseur, X Marchandise
International journal of radiation oncology, biology, physics 33 (1), 201-210, 1995
From MIP image to MRA segmentation using fuzzy set theory
M Vermandel, N Betrouni, C Taschner, C Vasseur, J Rousseau
Computerized medical imaging and graphics 31 (3), 128-140, 2007
Registration, matching, and data fusion in 2D/3D medical imaging: Application to DSA and MRA
M Vermandel, N Betrouni, G Palos, JY Gauvrit, C Vasseur, J Rousseau
International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted …, 2003
Validation of a new method for stereotactic localization using MR imaging
J Rousseau, P Clarysse, S Blond, D Gibon, C Vasseur, X Marchandise
Journal of computer assisted tomography 15 (2), 291-296, 1991
Piecewise continuous hybrid systems based observer design for linear systems with variable sampling periods and delay output
HP Wang, Y Tian, C Vasseur
Signal Processing 114, 75-84, 2015
A new recursive method for subspace identification of noisy systems: EIVPM
G Mercère, S Lecoeuche, C Vasseur
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 36 (16), 1597-1602, 2003
A strategy for controlling nonlinear systems using a learning automaton
X Zeng, J Zhou, C Vasseur
Automatica 36 (10), 1517-1524, 2000
Design and implementation of robust hybrid control of vision based underactuated mechanical nonminimum phase systems
HP Wang, C Vasseur, V Koncar, A Chamroo, N Christov
Studies in Informatics and Control 19 (1), 35-44, 2010
Hybrid control for vision based cart-inverted pendulum system
H Wang, A Chamroo, C Vasseur, V Koncar
2008 American Control Conference, 3845-3850, 2008
A global approach for automatic artifact removal for standard EEG record
S Boudet, L Peyrodie, P Gallois, C Vasseur
2006 International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and …, 2006
3D reconstruction of the encapsulating contour of arteriovenous malformations for radiosurgery using digital subtraction angiography
E Coste, D Gibon, X Leclercq, B Verdonck, C Vasseur, J Rousseau
International Journal of Radiation Oncology* Biology* Physics 50 (1), 247-255, 2001
Stabilization of a 2-DOF inverted pendulum by a low cost visual feedback
H Wang, A Chamroo, C Vasseur, V Koncar
2008 American Control Conference, 3851-3856, 2008
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