Goran Koletić
Goran Koletić
Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Zagreb
ffzg.unizg.hr의 이메일 확인됨
Longitudinal associations between the use of sexually explicit material and adolescents' attitudes and behaviors: A narrative review of studies
G Koletić
Journal of Adolescence 57, 119-133, 2017
Associations between adolescents’ use of sexually explicit material and risky sexual behavior: A longitudinal assessment
G Koletić, T Kohut, A Štulhofer
PloS one 14 (6), e0218962, 2019
Associations between Croatian adolescents’ use of sexually explicit material and risky sexual behavior: A latent growth curve modeling approach
G Koletić, A Štulhofer, I Tomić, J Knežević Ćuća
International Journal of Sexual Health 31 (1), 77-91, 2019
Religious faith and sexual risk taking among adolescents and emerging adults: A meta-analytic review
G Koletić, I Landripet, A Tafro, L Jurković, G Milas, A Štulhofer
Social science & medicine 291, 114488, 2021
Religiosity, perceived effects of pornography use on personal sex life, and moral incongruence: Insights from the German Health and Sexuality Survey (GeSiD)
A Štulhofer, C Wiessner, G Koletić, L Pietras, P Briken
The Journal of Sex Research 59 (6), 720-730, 2022
Varieties of religious and pornographic experience: Latent growth in adolescents’ religiosity and pornography use
S Cranney, G Koletić, A Štulhofer
The International Journal for the Psychology of Religion 28 (3), 174-186, 2018
Self-assessed effects of pornography use on personal sex life: Results from a large-scale study of Norwegian adults
G Koletić, A Štulhofer, GM Hald, B Træen
International Journal of Sexual Health 33 (3), 342-356, 2021
Does asking adolescents about pornography make them use it? A test of the question–behavior effect
G Koletić, N Cohen, A Štulhofer, T Kohut
The Journal of Sex Research 56 (2), 137-141, 2019
Are we losing the most relevant cases first? Selective dropout in two longitudinal studies of adolescent pornography use
A Štulhofer, T Matković, T Kohut, G Koletić, V Buško, I Landripet, ...
Archives of sexual behavior 50 (5), 2215-2226, 2021
A meta-analytic exploration of associations between religious service attendance and sexual risk taking in adolescence and emerging adulthood
G Koletić, L Jurković, A Tafro, G Milas, I Landripet, A Štulhofer
Journal of health psychology 28 (12), 1103-1116, 2023
Promjena u ulozi religioznosti u seksualnom ponašanju mladih–analiza harmoniziranih nacionalnih podataka između 2010. i 2021. godine
A Štulhofer, I Landripet, G Koletić
Društvena istraživanja: časopis za opća društvena pitanja 32 (4), 569-591, 2023
Seksting u vrijeme korone–analiza povezanosti s potrebom za seksualnim odnosom i brojem seksualnih partnera među mladima
G Koletić
Socijalna ekologija: časopis za ekološku misao i sociologijska istraživanja …, 2022
Pornografija, stav o uporabi kondoma i uporaba kondoma kod riječkih adolescenata
G Koletić, J Mehulić
Socijalna ekologija: časopis za ekološku misao i sociologijska istraživanja …, 2021
Konstrukcija i validacija Skale vjerom inspiriranog društvenog angažmana (VIDA) među mladima u Hrvatskoj
I Landripet, G Koletić, L Jurković, S Zrinščak, A Štulhofer
Revija za sociologiju 50 (3), 407-434, 2020
Pornography use in adolescence and young adulthood
A Štulhofer, T Kohut, G Koletić, K Macapagal, KM Nelson
Gender and sexuality development: Contemporary theory and research, 385-421, 2022
Male adolescents’ sexual behavior and the role of testosterone
A Štulhofer, G Koletić, I Landripet, GM Hald, JK Ćuća
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 5, 382-395, 2019
Uloga roditeljskog nadzora u danimici uporabe seksualno eksplicitnih materijala među adolescentima
G Koletić, I Landripet, A Štulhofer
Ljetopis socijalnog rada 25 (2), 273-294, 2018
The Role of Religiosity and Personal Faith in Young People’s Sexual Debut and Sexual Risk Taking: A Bayesian Approach
A Tafro, G Koletić, G Milas, A Štulhofer
International journal of sexual health 36 (1), 100-110, 2024
Explicit Verbal Irony and the Means of Marking It in the Journalistic Style of the Serbian and Croatian Languages
V Karlić, G Koletić
Zeitschrift für Balkanologie 49 (2), 2013
Konstrukcija glazbenog značenja-sociologijski osvrt na racionalistički i empiristički pristup
G Koletić
Socijalna ekologija: časopis za ekološku misao i sociologijska istraživanja …, 2012
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