Jiangfeng Gong
Jiangfeng Gong
hhu.edu.cn의 이메일 확인됨
Single crystal SnO2 zigzag nanobelts
J Duan, S Yang, H Liu, J Gong, H Huang, X Zhao, R Zhang, Y Du
Journal of the American Chemical Society 127 (17), 6180-6181, 2005
Enhanced stability of thylakoid membrane proteins and antioxidant competence contribute to drought stress resistance in the tasg1 wheat stay-green mutant
F Tian, J Gong, J Zhang, M Zhang, G Wang, A Li, W Wang
Journal of experimental botany 64 (6), 1509-1520, 2013
Molybdenum trioxide nanostructures prepared by thermal oxidization of molybdenum
QP Ding, HB Huang, JH Duan, JF Gong, SG Yang, XN Zhao, YW Du
Journal of crystal growth 294 (2), 304-308, 2006
Novel dendritic palladium nanostructure and its application in biosensing
P Zhou, Z Dai, M Fang, X Huang, J Bao, J Gong
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 111 (34), 12609-12616, 2007
Direct synthesis and characterization of CdS nanobelts
ZQ Wang, JF Gong, JH Duan, HB Huang, SG Yang, XN Zhao, R Zhang, ...
Applied physics letters 89 (3), 033102, 2006
Six-fold-symmetrical hierarchical ZnO nanostructure arrays: synthesis, characterization, and field emission properties
Z Wang, J Gong, Y Su, Y Jiang, S Yang
Crystal Growth & Design 10 (6), 2455-2459, 2010
AlN nanorings
J Duan, S Yang, H Liu, J Gong, H Huang, X Zhao, J Tang, R Zhang, Y Du
Journal of crystal growth 283 (3), 291-296, 2005
Epitaxial growth of ZnO nanowires on ZnS nanobelts by metal organic chemical vapor deposition
Z Wang, X Liu, J Gong, H Huang, S Gu, S Yang
Crystal Growth and Design 8 (11), 3911-3913, 2008
Preparation and characterization of straight and zigzag AlN nanowires
JH Duan, SG Yang, HW Liu, JF Gong, HB Huang, XN Zhao, R Zhang, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (9), 3701-3703, 2005
Experimental evidence of an octahedron nucleus in ZnS tetrapods
J Gong, S Yang, H Huang, J Duan, H Liu, X Zhao, R Zhang, Y Du
Small 2 (6), 732-735, 2006
Controllable assembly of aligned ZnO nanowires/belts arrays
H Huang, S Yang, J Gong, H Liu, J Duan, X Zhao, R Zhang, Y Liu, Y Liu
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 109 (44), 20746-20750, 2005
Multiform structures of SnO2 nanobelts
J Duan, J Gong, H Huang, X Zhao, G Cheng, ZZ Yu, S Yang
Nanotechnology 18 (5), 055607, 2007
Rapid synthesis and visible photoluminescence of ZnS nanobelts
J Gong, S Yang, J Duan, R Zhang, Y Du
Chemical communications, 351-353, 2005
Controlled synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by electrodeposition method
J Gong, Z Dou, Q Ding, Y Xu, W Zhu
Journal of Nanomaterials 2010, 2010
Controlled synthesis of ZnO nanostructures by electrodeposition method
G Jiangfeng, D Zhaoming, D Qingping, X Yuan, Z Weihua
Journal of Nanomaterials 2010, 71, 2010
Manipulation of monoubiquitin improves salt tolerance in transgenic tobacco
J Zhang, QF Guo, YN Feng, F Li, JF Gong, ZY Fan, W Wang
Plant Biology 14 (2), 315-324, 2012
Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of string-like ZnO/SnO nanowire/nanosheet nano-heterostructures
C Lan, J Gong, Y Jiang
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 575, 24-28, 2013
Controlled synthesis of ZnS nanocombs by self-evaporation using ZnS nanobelts as source and substrates
C Lan, J Gong, Y Jiang, Y Song, S Yang
CrystEngComm 14 (2), 708-712, 2011
Synthesis of K< sub> 6</sub> Ta< sub> 10.8</sub> O< sub> 30</sub> nanowires by molten salt technique
C Lan, J Gong, Z Wang, S Yang
Materials Science and Engineering: B 176 (8), 679-683, 2011
Synthesis and magnetic properties of single-crystalline Na2-x Mn8O16 nanorods
C Lan, J Gong, S Liu, S Yang
Nanoscale research letters 6 (1), 133, 2011
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