재정 지원 요구사항을 통해 공개된 자료 - Tommaso Caselli자세히 알아보기
제공된 곳이 없음: 1
It-timeml and the ita-timebank: Language specific adaptations for temporal annotation
T Caselli, R Sprugnoli
Handbook of Linguistic Annotation, 969-988, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Government of Italy
제공된 곳이 있음: 31
The event storyline corpus: A new benchmark for causal and temporal relation extraction
T Caselli, P Vossen
Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop, 77-86, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Overview of the clef–2022 checkthat! lab on fighting the covid-19 infodemic and fake news detection
P Nakov, A Barrón-Cedeño, G da San Martino, F Alam, JM Struß, T Mandl, ...
International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European …, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Storylines for structuring massive streams of news
P Vossen, T Caselli, Y Kontzopoulou
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Computing News Storylines, 40-49, 2015
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
MultiLexNorm: A shared task on multilingual lexical normalization
R Van Der Goot, A Ramponi, A Zubiaga, B Plank, B Muller, ISV Roncal, ...
Seventh Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2021), 493-509, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Agence Nationale de la Recherche
Predicting controversial news using Facebook reactions
A Basile, T Caselli, M Nissim
CLiC-it 2017: Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Overview of the CLEF-2024 CheckThat! lab: check-worthiness, subjectivity, persuasion, roles, authorities, and adversarial robustness
A Barrón-Cedeño, F Alam, JM Struß, P Nakov, T Chakraborty, T Elsayed, ...
International Conference of the Cross-Language Evaluation Forum for European …, 2024
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
Overview of the CLEF-2023 CheckThat! Lab: Task 2 on Subjectivity in News Articles
A Galassi, F Ruggeri, A Barrón-Cedeño, F Alam, T Caselli, M Kutlu, ...
24th Working Notes of the Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum, CLEF …, 2023
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany, Scientific and …
GRaSP: A multilayered annotation scheme for perspectives
C Van Son, T Caselli, A Fokkens, I Maks, R Morante, L Aroyo, P Vossen
LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and …, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Protest-er: Retraining bert for protest event extraction
T Caselli, O Mutlu, A Basile, A Hürriyetoğlu
Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated …, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: European Commission
Vuacltl at semeval 2016 task 12: A crf pipeline to clinical tempeval
T Caselli, R Morante
Proceedings of the 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation …, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The content types dataset: a new resource to explore semantic and functional characteristics of texts
R Sprugnoli, T Caselli, S Tonelli, G Moretti
Proceedings of the 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the …, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Grupato at semeval-2020 task 12: Retraining mbert on social media and fine-tuned offensive language models
D Colla, T Caselli, V Basile, J Mitrović, M Granitzer
Proceedings of the Fourteenth Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, 1546-1554, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany
Annotating content zones in news articles
D Baiamonte, T Caselli, I Prodanof
Proceedings of Third Italian Conference on Computational Linguistics CLic-it …, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Frame semantics for social NLP in Italian: Analyzing responsibility framing in femicide news reports
G Minnema, S Gemelli, C Zanchi, V Patti, T Caselli, M Nissim
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
The circumstantial event ontology (CEO)
R Segers, T Caselli, P Vossen
Proceedings of the Events and Stories in the News Workshop, 37-41, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
A multilingual approach to identify and classify exceptional measures against COVID-19
G Tziafas, E de Saint-Phalle, W de Vries, C Egger, T Caselli
Natural Legal Language Processing Workshop 2021, 46-62, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development
Temporal information annotation: Crowd vs. experts
T Caselli, R Sprugnoli, O Inel
LREC 2016, Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
How concrete do we get telling stories?
P Vossen, T Caselli, A Cybulska
Topics in cognitive science 10 (3), 621-640, 2018
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
Systems’ agreements and disagreements in temporal processing: An extensive error analysis of the tempeval-3 task
T Caselli, R Morante
Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, 2018
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research
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