Joseph R. McAuliffe
Joseph R. McAuliffe
Director of Research, Conservation & Collections, Desert Botanical Garden
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Landscape evolution, soil formation, and ecological patterns and processes in Sonoran Desert bajadas
JR McAuliffe
Ecological Monographs 64 (2), 111-148, 1994
Competition for space, disturbance, and the structure of a benthic stream community
JR McAuliffe
Ecology 65 (3), 894-908, 1984
Markovian dynamics of simple and complex desert plant communities
JR McAuliffe
The American Naturalist 131 (4), 459-490, 1988
Sahuaro-nurse tree associations in the Sonoran Desert: competitive effects of sahuaros
JR McAuliffe
Oecologia 64, 319-321, 1984
Resource depression by a stream herbivore: effects on distributions and abundances of other grazers
JR McAuliffe
Oikos, 327-333, 1984
Herbivore-limited establishment of a Sonoran Desert tree, Cerciduium Microphyllum
JR McAuliffe
Ecology 67 (1), 276-280, 1986
Ecological responses of two Mojave Desert shrubs to soil horizon development and soil water dynamics
EP Hamerlynck, JR McAuliffe, EV McDonald, SD Smith
Ecology 83 (3), 768-779, 2002
Competition, colonization patterns, and disturbance in stream benthic communities
JR McAuliffe
Stream ecology: application and testing of general ecological theory, 137-156, 1983
Perennial plant mortality in the Sonoran and Mojave deserts in response to severe, multi-year drought
JR McAuliffe, EP Hamerlynck
Journal of Arid Environments 74 (8), 885-896, 2010
A 22,000-year record of vegetation change in the north-central Sonoran Desert
JR McAuliffe, TR Van Devender
Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 141 (3-4), 253-275, 1998
Prey refugia and the distributions of two Sonoran Desert cacti
JR McAuliffe
Oecologia 65, 82-85, 1984
Tree-ring record of hillslope erosion and valley floor dynamics: landscape responses to climate variation during the last 400 yr in the Colorado Plateau, northeastern Arizona
JR McAuliffe, LA Scuderi, LD McFadden
Global and Planetary Change 50 (3-4), 184-201, 2006
Lithologically influenced geomorphic responses to Holocene climatic changes in the Southern Colorado Plateau, Arizona: a soil-geomorphic and ecologic perspective
LD McFadden, JR McAuliffe
Geomorphology 19 (3-4), 303-332, 1997
Distributional associates of the saguaro (Carnegiea gigantea)
RL Hutto, JR McAuliffe, L Hogan
The Southwestern Naturalist, 469-476, 1986
Carbon isotope discrimination and foliar nutrient status of Larrea tridentata (creosote bush) in contrasting Mojave Desert soils
EP Hamerlynck, TE Huxman, JR McAuliffe, SD Smith
Oecologia 138, 210-215, 2004
Effects of surface and sub‐surface soil horizons on the seasonal performance of Larrea tridentata (creosotebush)
EP Hamerlynck, JR Mcauliffe, SD Smith
Functional Ecology 14 (5), 596-606, 2000
A rapid survey method for the estimation of density and cover in desert plant communities
JR McAuliffe
Journal of Vegetation Science 1 (5), 653-656, 1990
Landscape evolution, soil formation and Arizona’s desert grasslands
JR McAuliffe
The desert grassland, 100-129, 1995
Pre-columbian soil erosion, persistent ecological changes, and collapse of a subsistence agricultural economy in the semi-arid Tehuacán Valley, Mexico's ‘Cradle of Maize’
JR McAuliffe, PC Sundt, A Valiente-Banuet, A Casas, JL Viveros
Journal of Arid Environments 47 (1), 47-75, 2001
Paloverdes, pocket mice, and bruchid beetles: interrelationships of seeds, dispersers, and seed predators
JR McAuliffe
The Southwestern Naturalist, 329-337, 1990
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