Chunghao Shih
Chunghao Shih
General Atomics
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Continuous SiC fiber, CVI SiC matrix composites for nuclear applications: Properties and irradiation effects
Y Katoh, K Ozawa, C Shih, T Nozawa, RJ Shinavski, A Hasegawa, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 448 (1-3), 448-476, 2014
Radiation-tolerant joining technologies for silicon carbide ceramics and composites
Y Katoh, LL Snead, T Cheng, C Shih, WD Lewis, T Koyanagi, T Hinoki, ...
Journal of Nuclear Materials 448 (1-3), 497-511, 2014
Progress on matrix SiC processing and properties for fully ceramic microencapsulated fuel form
KA Terrani, JO Kiggans, CM Silva, C Shih, Y Katoh, LL Snead
Journal of Nuclear Materials 457, 9-17, 2015
High-dose neutron irradiation of Hi-Nicalon Type S silicon carbide composites. Part 2: Mechanical and physical properties
Y Katoh, T Nozawa, C Shih, K Ozawa, T Koyanagi, W Porter, LL Snead
Journal of Nuclear Materials 462, 450-457, 2015
Anisotropic swelling and microcracking of neutron irradiated Ti3AlC2–Ti5Al2C3 materials
C Ang, C Silva, C Shih, T Koyanagi, Y Katoh, SJ Zinkle
Scripta Materialia 114, 74-78, 2016
High dose neutron irradiation of Hi-Nicalon Type S silicon carbide composites, Part 1: Microstructural evaluations
AG Perez-Bergquist, T Nozawa, C Shih, KJ Leonard, LL Snead, Y Katoh
Journal of Nuclear Materials 462, 443-449, 2015
Silicon carbide and silicon carbide composites for fusion reactor application
T Hinoki, Y Katoh, LL Snead, HC Jung, K Ozawa, H Katsui, ZH Zhong, ...
Materials Transactions 54 (4), 472-476, 2013
Phase stability, swelling, microstructure and strength of Ti3SiC2-TiC ceramics after low dose neutron irradiation
C Ang, S Zinkle, C Shih, C Silva, N Cetiner, Y Katoh
Journal of Nuclear Materials 483, 44-53, 2017
Determination of interfacial mechanical properties of ceramic composites by the compression of micro-pillar test specimens
C Shih, Y Katoh, KJ Leonard, H Bei, E Lara-Curzio
Journal of Materials Science 48, 5219-5224, 2013
C-ring testing of nuclear grade silicon carbide composites at temperatures up to 1900 C
K Shapovalov, GM Jacobsen, C Shih, CP Deck
Journal of Nuclear Materials 522, 184-191, 2019
Microstructure and mechanical properties of titanium aluminum carbides neutron irradiated at 400–700 C
C Ang, CM Parish, C Shih, C Silva, Y Katoh
Journal of the European Ceramic Society 37 (6), 2353-2363, 2017
Low-temperature synthesis of silicon carbide inert matrix fuel through a polymer precursor route
C Shih, JS Tulenko, RH Baney
Journal of nuclear materials 409 (3), 199-206, 2011
The effect of neutron irradiation on the mechanical properties of C/SiC composites
C Shih, Y Katoh, LL Snead, J Steinbeck
Journal of nuclear materials 439 (1-3), 192-201, 2013
Effects of size and geometry on the equibiaxial flexural test of fine grained nuclear graphite
C Shih, Y Katoh, T Takashi
Oak Ridge National Lab.(ORNL), Oak Ridge, TN (United States), 2013
Comparison of shear strength of ceramic joints determined by various test methods with small specimens
C Shih, Y Katoh, JO Kiggans, T Koyanagi, HE Khalifa, CA Back, T Hinoki, ...
Ceramic Materials for Energy Applications IV: A Collection of Papers …, 2014
Status of silicon carbide joining and irradiation studies
Y Katoh, JO Kiggans, C Shih, T Koyanagi, JL McDuffee, LL Snead
ORNL/TM-2013/273, July 31, 2013
Silicon Carbide Gap Analysis and Feasibility Study
S Bragg-Sitton, D Hurley, M Khafizov, B Merrill, R Schley, K McHugh, ...
INL/EXT-13-29728, in, Idaho National Laboratory, Idaho Falls, 2013
The effect of mixing methods and polymer infiltration and pyrolysis (PIP) cycles on the densification of silicon carbide inert matrix fuel through a polymer precursor route
C Shih, JS Tulenko, RH Baney
Journal of nuclear materials 419 (1-3), 63-71, 2011
Through thickness mechanical properties of chemical vapor infiltration and nano‐infiltration and transient eutectic‐phase processed SiC/SiC composites
C Shih, Y Katoh, K Ozawa, E Lara‐Curzio, L Snead
International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology 12 (3), 481-490, 2015
SiC-SiC Composite Cladding Development for Accident Tolerant Fuel
CP Deck, HE Khalifa, KS Shapovalov, S Gonderman, GM Jacobsen, ...
Transactions of the American Nuclear Society 118, 1305-1308, 2018
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