Iaroslav Pasternak / Ярослав Пастернак
Iaroslav Pasternak / Ярослав Пастернак
Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University
vnu.edu.ua의 이메일 확인됨 - 홈페이지
Boundary integral equations and the boundary element method for fracture mechanics analysis in 2D anisotropic thermoelasticity
I Pasternak
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 36 (12), 1931-1941, 2012
Coupled 2D electric and mechanical fields in piezoelectric solids containing cracks and thin inhomogeneities
I Pasternak
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 35 (4), 678-690, 2011
Doubly periodic arrays of cracks and thin inhomogeneities in an infinite magnetoelectroelastic medium
I Pasternak
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 36 (5), 799-811, 2012
Plane problem of elasticity theory for anisotropic bodies with thin elastic inclusions
IM Pasternak
Journal of Mathematical Sciences 186 (1), 31-47, 2012
Boundary element modeling of pyroelectric solids with shell inclusions
H Sulym, I Pasternak, V Pasternak
Mechanics and Mechanical Engineering 22 (3), 727-737, 2018
Boundary element analysis of 3D cracks in anisotropic thermomagnetoelectroelastic solids
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, V Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 74, 70-78, 2017
A comprehensive study on the 2D boundary element method for anisotropic thermoelectroelastic solids with cracks and thin inhomogeneities
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37 (2), 419-433, 2013
A comprehensive study on Green׳ s functions and boundary integral equations for 3D anisotropic thermomagnetoelectroelasticity
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 64, 222-229, 2016
Регуляризована тотожність Cомільяни для задач теорії пружності з тонкостінними структурами
Г Сулим, Я Пастернак
Вісн. Львів. ун-ту. Сер.«Прикладна математика та інформатика».–Вип 13, 142-150, 2007
Boundary integral equations and Green׳ s functions for 2D thermoelectroelastic bimaterial
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 48, 87-101, 2014
Doubly periodic cracks in the anisotropic medium with the account of contact of their faces
O Maksymovych, I Pasternak, H Sulym, S Kutsyk
Acta mechanica et automatica 8 (3), 160-164, 2014
Modification of boundary integral equation method for investigation of dynamic stresses for couple stress elasticity
O Mikulich, I Pasternak, O Andriichuk
Mechanics Research Communications 91, 107-111, 2018
Boundary integral equations for 2D thermoelectroelasticity of a half-space with cracks and thin inclusions
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 37 (11), 1514-1523, 2013
Boundary element analysis of 3D shell‐like rigid electrically conducting inclusions in anisotropic thermomagnetoelectroelastic solids
I Pasternak, H Sulym, N Ilchuk
ZAMM‐Journal of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics/Zeitschrift für Angewandte …, 2019
Дуальний метод граничних елементів для задач теорії тонких включень
ЯМ Пастернак, ГТ Сулим
Математичні методи та фізико-механічні поля 53 (2), 46-57, 2016
2D boundary element analysis of defective thermoelectroelastic bimaterial with thermally imperfect but mechanically and electrically perfect interface
I Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements 61, 194-206, 2015
Використання енергетичних підходів для дослідження тонких пружних включень
Г Сулим, Я Пастернак
Машинознавство, 2006
Stroh formalism in evaluation of 3D Green’s function in thermomagnetoelectroelastic anisotropic medium
I Pasternak, V Pasternak, R Pasternak, H Sulym
Mechanics Research Communications 84, 20-26, 2017
Antiplane deformation of a bimaterial containing an interfacial crack with the account of friction 2. Repeating and cyclic loading
H Sulym, L Piskozub, Y Piskozub, I Pasternak
acta mechanica et automatica 9 (3), 178-184, 2015
Investigation of dynamic non-equilibrium processes in the aluminum Alloy 2024-T3 under additional load impulse
V Hutsaylyuk, H Sulym, I Turchyn, I Pasternak, M Chausov
Intelligent Technologies in Logistics and Mechatronics Systems, ITELMS 2012 …, 2012
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