Omid Fatemi
Omid Fatemi
University of Tehran, University of Ottawa, Iranian Research Institute on Information Science and
fatemi.net의 이메일 확인됨
Improve text classification accuracy based on classifier fusion methods
A Danesh, B Moshiri, O Fatemi
2007 10th International Conference on Information Fusion, 1-6, 2007
NoC hot spot minimization using AntNet dynamic routing algorithm
M Daneshtalab, A Sobhani, A Afzali-Kusha, O Fatemi, Z Navabi
IEEE 17th International Conference on Application-specific Systems …, 2006
Persian cursive script recognition
MR Hashemi, O Fatemi, R Safavi
Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on Document Analysis and …, 1995
A novel adaptive unequal error protection method for scalable video over wireless networks
A Naghdinezhad, MR Hashemi, O Fatemi
2007 IEEE International Symposium on Consumer Electronics, 1-6, 2007
Algorithms and corpora for Persian plagiarism detection: overview of pan at fire 2016
H Asghari, S Mohtaj, O Fatemi, H Faili, P Rosso, M Potthast
Text Processing: FIRE 2016 International Workshop, Kolkata, India, December …, 2018
Electronic theses and dissertations in CRIS
J Schöpfel, D Zendulkova, O Fatemi
Procedia Computer Science 33, 110-117, 2014
Multimedia-aware MMSPEED: A routing solution for video transmission in WMSN
S Darabi, N Yazdani, O Fatemi
2008 2nd International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication …, 2008
H. 264 copyright protection with motion vector watermarking
N Mohaghegh, O Fatemi
2008 International Conference on Audio, Language and Image Processing, 1384-1389, 2008
A novel efficient rate control algorithm for hardware implementation in JPEG2000
A Aminlou, O Fatemi
Proceedings.(ICASSP'05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech …, 2005
DCMI: A scalable strategy for accelerating iterative stencil loops on FPGAs
M Koraei, O Fatemi, M Jahre
ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimization (TACO) 16 (4), 1-24, 2019
On the use of word embedding for cross language plagiarism detection
H Asghari, O Fatemi, S Mohtaj, H Faili, P Rosso
Intelligent Data Analysis 23 (3), 661-680, 2019
Pipeline, memory-efficient and programmable architecture for 2D discrete wavelet transform using lifting scheme
O Fatemi, S Bolouki
IEE Proceedings-Circuits, Devices and Systems 152 (6), 703-708, 2005
Ant colony based routing architecture for minimizing hot spots in NOCs
M Daneshtalab, AA Kusha, A Sobhani, Z Navabi, MD Mottaghi, O Fatemi
Proceedings of the 19th annual symposium on Integrated circuits and systems …, 2006
Optical flow based model for scene cut detection
O Fatemi, S Zhang, S Panchanathan
Proceedings of 1996 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer …, 1996
Very fast bit allocation algorithm, based on simplified RD curve modeling
A Aminlou, O Fatemi
10th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Circuits and Systems …, 2003
Developing bilingual plagiarism detection corpus using sentence aligned parallel corpus
H Asghari, K Khoshnava, O Fatemi, H Faili
Notebook for PAN at CLEF, 2015
A fast two dimensional deblocking filter for H. 264/AVC video coding
MN Bojnordi, MR Hashemi, O Fatemi
2006 Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2017-2020, 2006
FPGA implementation of the LRU algorithm for video compression
O Fatemi, F Idris, S Panchanathan
IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics 40 (3), 337-344, 1994
SEMAT, National Current Research Information System for IRAN'
MJ Khoshroo, O Fatemi
CRIS, 2-5, 2010
Dynamic routing algorithm for avoiding hot spots in on-chip networks
A Sobhani, M Daneshtalab, MH Neishaburi, MD Mottaghi, A Afzali-Kusha, ...
International Conference on Design and Test of Integrated Systems in …, 2006
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