Yanuar Kiram
Yanuar Kiram
fik.unp.ac.id의 이메일 확인됨
Belajar motorik
Y Kiram
Jakarta: Dirjen Dikti, 1992
Belajar keterampilan motorik
PHY Kiram
Prenada Media, 2019
Motor Learning Measuring Tools: A Design and Implementation Using Sensor Technology for Preschool Education.
A Komaini, H Hidayat, G Ganefri, A Alnedral, Y Kiram, G Gusril, DT Mario
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 15 (17), 177, 2021
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi kemampuan teknik pukulan dropshot forehand atlet bulutangkis
I Gusrinaldi, R Irawan, Y Kiram, E Edmizal
Jurnal Patriot 2 (4), 1047-1060, 2020
Pengaruh Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai Dan Keseimbangan Terhadap Kemampuan Jump Shot Atlet Bolabasket FIK UNP
R Yenes
Jurnal Performa Olahraga 3 (02), 322227, 2018
Design of Children's Motor Training Tools Using Sensor-Based Agility Components in Physical Education Learning.
A Komaini, SG Hermanzoni, S Handayani, MS Rifki, Y Kiram, N Ayubi
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 16 (5), 207-215, 2022
Validity and practicality of guided discovery learning models for chemistry learning in senior high school
Y Yerimadesi, Y Kiram, L Lufri, F Festiyed, G Guspatni
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1317 (1), 012149, 2019
Validity and practitality of acid-base module based on guided discovery learning for senior high school
B Yerimadesi, SM Jannah, F Lufri, Y Kiram
International Conference on Mathematics, Science, Education and Technology …, 2018
Hubungan koordinasi mata-kaki dan kelincahan dengan kemampuan dribbling pemain sepakbola di Sekolah Sepakbola (ssb) Excellent Kota Batusangkar
Y Kiram
Jurnal Patriot 1 (1), 204-212, 2019
Contribution of self-control and social skills on the tendency social media addiction
RS Ritonga, M Mudjiran, Y Kiram
International Conference on Education, Islamic Studies and Social Sciences …, 2018
Development of guided discovery learning based module on colloidal system topic for senior high school
Y Kiram
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1116 (4), 042044, 2018
Industrialisasi Dan Komersialisasi Dalam Olahraga
Y Kiram
Jurnal Performa Olahraga 2 (02), 187-203, 2017
Fundamental movement skills in children in Mentawai Islands: Indigenous tribes in Indonesia
A Komaini, Y Kiram, DT Mario, SG Handayani
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 23 (4), 520-530, 2023
Hubungan Berat Badan, Tinggi Badan, Dan Panjang Tungkai Terhadap Kecepatan 50 Meter Renang Gaya Bebas Mahasiswa Departemen Kepelatihan
Y Kiram, A Argantos, I Aziz
Gladiator 4 (3), 448-460, 2024
Effect of weight training and motor skills on muscle strength: A factorial experimental design
Y Kiram, R Yenes, A Komaini, N Ihsan, DT Mario
Journal of Physical Education and Sport 23 (6), 1416-1424, 2023
Hubungan Daya Ledak Otot Tungkai dan Koordinasi Mata Kaki Terhadap Akurasi Shooting Pada Cabang Olahraga Futsal Atlet Klub Satelite Futsal Padang
A Mardiansah, Y Kiram, R Yenes, I Arifan
Gladiator 2 (6), 302-315, 2022
Kemampuan Koordinasi Gerak dan Klasifikasi Aktifitas
Y Kiram
Padang: FPOK IKIP. Padang, 1994
Development of basic movement skills test instruments for early childhood
A Komaini, Y Kiram, MS Rifki, SG Handayani, N Ayubi, RY Putra
Physical Education Theory and Methodology 22 (4), 493-499, 2022
Tingkat Kebugaran Jasmani Siswa Kelas X SMA Negeri 2 Koto Baru Kabupaten Dharmasraya
A Maulana, Y Kiram
Jurnal JPDO 2 (1), 24-28, 2019
Belajar Keterampilan Motorik (Edisi Revisi)
Y Kiram
Universitas Negeri Padang, 101-102, 2016
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