Measuring the accuracy of simple evolving connectionist system with varying distance formulas
OS Sitompul, EB Nababan
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 930 (1), 012004, 2017
Ultrasonic sensor assessment for obstacle avoidance in quadcopter-based drone system
S Suherman, RA Putra, M Pinem
2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and …, 2020
Wifi-friendly building to enable wifi signal indoor
S Suherman
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 7 (2), 264-271, 2018
A passive cooling system for increasing efficiency of solar panel output
SA Rakino, S Suherman, S Hasan, AH Rambe
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1373 (1), 012017, 2019
Improving one-time pad algorithm on Shamir’s three-pass protocol scheme by using RSA and ElGamal algorithms
AP Sidik, S Efendi, S Suherman
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 1235 (1), 012007, 2019
Skin diseases classification using local binary pattern and convolutional neural network
N Akmalia, P Sihombing
2019 3rd international conference on electrical, telecommunication and …, 2019
A transport layer protocol for uplink WiMAX video streaming
S Suherman, M Al-Akaidi, N Mubarakah
International Journal of Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 10 (1), 19-32, 2015
Expert System for Diagnosing Dental and Mouth Diseases with a Website-Based Certainty Factor (CF) Method
SA Pasaribu, P Sihombing, S Suherman
2020 3rd International Conference on Mechanical, Electronics, Computer, and …, 2020
Design and simulation hybrid filter for 17 level multilevel inverter
MA Hutabarat, S Hasan, AH Rambe, S Suherman
Bulletin of Electrical Engineering and Informatics 9 (3), 886-897, 2020
Bandwidth enhancement of rectangular patch microstrip antenna using left handed metamaterial at 2.4 GHz
AH Rambe, MW Sitopu, S Suherman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012054, 2018
Wifi-friendly building, enabling wifi signal indoor: An initial study
N Mubarakah, RS Sagala, H Prayitno
IOP conference series: Earth and environmental science 126 (1), 012022, 2018
Measuring the power consumption of social media applications on a mobile device
AIM Dunia, AH Rambe, R Fauzi
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 978 (1), 012104, 2018
The edge detection enhancement on satellite image using bilateral filter
I Fawwaz, M Zarlis, RF Rahmat
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 308 (1), 012052, 2018
Increasing uplink broadband video streaming protocol performance in WiMAX network
S Suherman, M Al-Akaidi
International Journal of Internet Protocol Technology 7 (3), 176-185, 2013
Water and heat-sink cooling system for increasing the solar cell performances
S Suherman, A Sunarno, S Hasan, R Harahap
EAI Endorsed Transactions on Energy Web 7 (26), 2019
UDP-lite enhancement through checksum protection
H Abdurrahman, OS Sitompul, N Mubarakah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 180 (1), 012146, 2017
Optimizing the 802.11 hotspot performances by using load and resource balancing method
CJ Napitupulu, P Sihombing, S Suherman
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 420 (1), 012128, 2018
Supercapacitor performance evaluation in replacing battery based on charging and discharging current characteristics
A Sani, S Siahaan, N Mubarakah
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering 309 (1), 012078, 2018
Adjusting WiMAX for a dedicated surveillance network
S Suherman, M Al-Akaidi
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 (4), 492, 2013
Point to point communication link design by using optical DWDM network
N Mubarakah, DD Fadhilah
2020 4rd International Conference on Electrical, Telecommunication and …, 2020
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