재정 지원 요구사항을 통해 공개된 자료 - John Keane자세히 알아보기
제공된 곳이 있음: 36
Cover of tall trees best predicts California spotted owl habitat
MP North, JT Kane, VR Kane, GP Asner, W Berigan, DJ Churchill, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 405, 166-178, 2017
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation, John D. and …
Declining old‐forest species as a legacy of large trees lost
GM Jones, JJ Keane, RJ Gutiérrez, MZ Peery
Diversity and Distributions 24 (3), 341-351, 2018
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Blood parasites in owls with conservation implications for the spotted owl (Strix occidentalis)
HD Ishak, JP Dumbacher, NL Anderson, JJ Keane, G Valkiūnas, SM Haig, ...
PloS one 3 (5), e2304, 2008
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US National Institutes of Health
Detecting small changes in populations at landscape scales: a bioacoustic site-occupancy framework
CM Wood, VD Popescu, H Klinck, JJ Keane, RJ Gutiérrez, SC Sawyer, ...
Ecological Indicators 98, 492-507, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Wildfire impacts on California spotted owl nesting habitat in the Sierra Nevada
SL Stephens, JD Miller, BM Collins, MP North, JJ Keane, SL Roberts
Ecosphere 7 (11), e01478, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
California spotted owl habitat selection in a fire-managed landscape suggests conservation benefit of restoring historical fire regimes
A Kramer, GM Jones, SA Whitmore, JJ Keane, FA Atuo, BP Dotters, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 479, 118576, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Forest restoration limits megafires and supports species conservation under climate change
GM Jones, AR Keyser, AL Westerling, WJ Baldwin, JJ Keane, SC Sawyer, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20 (4), 210-216, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US National Science Foundation, US National Aeronautics and Space …
Meta-analysis of California Spotted Owl (Strix occidentalis occidentalis) territory occupancy in the Sierra Nevada: Habitat associations and their implications for …
DJ Tempel, JJ Keane, RJ Gutiérrez, JD Wolfe, GM Jones, A Koltunov, ...
The Condor: Ornithological Applications 118 (4), 747-765, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Using the ecological significance of animal vocalizations to improve inference in acoustic monitoring programs
CM Wood, H Klinck, M Gustafson, JJ Keane, SC Sawyer, RJ Gutiérrez, ...
Conservation Biology 35 (1), 336-345, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Trophic interactions mediate the response of predator populations to habitat change
BK Hobart, GM Jones, KN Roberts, BP Dotters, SA Whitmore, WJ Berigan, ...
Biological Conservation 238, 108217, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Resource selection by GPS-tagged California spotted owls in mixed-ownership forests
FA Atuo, K Roberts, S Whitmore, BP Dotters, MG Raphael, SC Sawyer, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 433, 295-304, 2019
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Comparing estimates of population change from occupancy and mark–recapture models for a territorial species
MM Conner, JJ Keane, CV Gallagher, TE Munton, PA Shaklee
Ecosphere 7 (10), e01538, 2016
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Arresting the spread of invasive species in continental systems
DF Hofstadter, NF Kryshak, CM Wood, BP Dotters, KN Roberts, KG Kelly, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 20 (5), 278-284, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Early detection of rapid Barred Owl population growth within the range of the California Spotted Owl advises the Precautionary Principle
CM Wood, RJ Gutiérrez, JJ Keane, MZ Peery
The Condor 122 (1), duz058, 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Elevational gradients strongly mediate habitat selection patterns in a nocturnal predator
HA Kramer, GM Jones, VR Kane, B Bartl‐Geller, JT Kane, SA Whitmore, ...
Ecosphere 12 (5), e03500, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Noisy neighbors and reticent residents: Distinguishing resident from non-resident individuals to improve passive acoustic monitoring
DS Reid, CM Wood, SA Whitmore, WJ Berigan, JJ Keane, SC Sawyer, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 28, e01710, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture, State of Califonia
Large trees and forest heterogeneity facilitate prey capture by California Spotted Owls
CJ Zulla, HA Kramer, GM Jones, JJ Keane, KN Roberts, BP Dotters, ...
Ornithological Applications 124 (3), duac024, 2022
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Spotted owls and forest fire: Comment
GM Jones, RJ Gutiérrez, WM Block, PC Carlson, EJ Comfort, ...
Ecosphere 11 (12), 2020
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
Using metapopulation models to assess species conservation–ecosystem restoration trade-offs
CM Wood, SA Whitmore, RJ Gutiérrez, SC Sawyer, JJ Keane, MZ Peery
Biological Conservation 224, 248-257, 2018
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
High rates of anticoagulant rodenticide exposure in California barred owls are associated with the wildland–urban interface
DF Hofstadter, NF Kryshak, MW Gabriel, CM Wood, GM Wengert, ...
The Condor 123 (4), duab036, 2021
재정 지원 요구사항 정책: US Department of Agriculture
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