Seungseok Oh
Seungseok Oh
Department of Environment and Energy, Jeonbuk National University
jbnu.ac.kr의 이메일 확인됨
Effect of flue gas recirculation on efficiency of an indirect supercritical CO2 oxy-fuel circulating fluidized bed power plant
HW Kim, SB Seo, SY Kang, ES Go, SS Oh, YW Lee, W Yang, SH Lee
Energy 227, 120487, 2021
Analysis of operational characteristics of biomass oxygen fuel circulating fluidized bed combustor with indirect supercritical carbon dioxide cycle
JLJ Ling, HW Kim, ES Go, SS Oh, HJ Park, CS Jeong, SH Lee
Energy Conversion and Management 259, 115569, 2022
Process simulation and economic evaluation of a biomass oxygen fuel circulating fluidized bed combustor with an indirect supercritical carbon dioxide cycle
JLJ Ling, SS Oh, HJ Park, SH Lee
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 182, 113380, 2023
In-situ desulfurization using porous Ca-based materials for the oxy-CFB process: A computational study
ES Go, BS Kim, JLJ Ling, SS Oh, HJ Park, SH Lee
Environmental Research 225, 115582, 2023
Technical feasibility of a 1000 MWe pulverized coal power plant under ammonia co-combustion conditions
SS Oh, JLJ Ling, HJ Park, HS Park, HE Lee, SH Lee
Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 55, 104118, 2024
Progresses and challenges of machine learning approaches in thermochemical processes for bioenergy: a review
NO Ogunsola, SS Oh, PR Jeon, JLJ Ling, HJ Park, HS Park, HE Lee, ...
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 41 (7), 1923-1953, 2024
에너지 부문의 탄소중립 달성을 위한 국내외 시나리오 분석 및 기술, 정책현황 고찰
박한샘, 안재원, 이하은, 박현준, 오승석, 이시훈
화학공학 61 (4), 496-504, 2023
Correction: Progresses and Challenges of Machine Learning Approaches in Thermochemical Processes for Bioenergy: A Review
NO Ogunsola, SS Oh, PR Jeon, JLJ Ling, HJ Park, HS Park, HE Lee, ...
Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering 41 (7), 2201-2201, 2024
Multiphase Particle in Cell Simulation Study of Ammonia Co-Combustion in a Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustor
JLJ Ling, HS Park, HE Lee, SS Oh, HJ Park, SM Jeong, SH Lee
2023 AIChE Annual Meeting, 2023
Recent Development of Thermo-chemical Conversion Processes with Fluidized Bed Technologies
HJ Park, SS Oh, ON Olanrewaju, JLJ Ling, CS Jeong, HS Park, SH Lee
Korean Chemical Engineering Research 61 (1), 8-18, 2023
유동층 공정을 이용한 열화학적 전환 공정의 최신 개발 동향
박현준, 오승석
화학공학 61 (1), 8-18, 2023
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