Dr Mohammad (Amir) Nematpour
Dr Mohammad (Amir) Nematpour
Kiti vardaiMohammad Nematpour
PhD / Marketing Management / University of Tehran
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Systematic analysis of development in Iran’s tourism market in the form of future study: A new method of strategic planning
M Nematpour, M Khodadadi, N Rezaei
Futures 125, 102650, 2021
Structural analysis of the tourism impacts in the form of future study in developing countries (case study: Iran)
M Nematpour, A Faraji
Journal of tourism futures 5 (3), 259-282, 2019
Farm tourism as a driving force for socioeconomic development: A benefits viewpoint from Iran
M Nematpour, M Khodadadi
Current Issues in Tourism 24 (2), 247-263, 2021
Lines in the sand: the perceived risks of traveling to a destination and its influence on tourist information seeking behavior
O Oshriyeh, M Ghaffari, M Nematpour
International Journal of Tourism Cities 8 (4), 965-982, 2022
Developing a competitive and sustainable model for the future of a destination: Iran’s tourism competitiveness
M Nematpour, M Khodadadi, S Makian, M Ghaffari
International Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Administration 25 (1), 92-124, 2024
Structural analysis of the development of the Iranian tourism market employing a MICMAC approach: a new long-range planning method to attract the ASEAN international tourist market
M Nematpour, M Khodadadi, N Rezaei, S Makian
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights 4 (4), 393-417, 2021
Investigating the positive role of urban tourism in creating sustainable revenue opportunities in the municipalities of large-scale cities: the case of Iran
A Faraji, M Khodadadi, M Nematpour, S Abidizadegan, HR Yazdani
International Journal of Tourism Cities 7 (1), 177-199, 2021
A systematic analysis of positive and negative effects of Iran tourism development using a future study approach
A Faraji Molaei
Social Studies in Tourism 9 (9), 0, 2018
Foresight thinking and organizational learning: Scenario planning as a DMO crisis management tool
S Makian, M Nematpour
Organizational learning in tourism and hospitality crisis management, 107-118, 2021
Typology of Inbound Tourists Who Visited Tehran Grand Bazaar Using Cluster Analysis: Introducing New Combining Dimensional Base to Realize Actual Behavior
M Nematpour, M Ghaffari
Almatourism-Journal of Tourism, Culture and Territorial Development 9 (18 …, 2018
Agritourism as a multiplier factor for the development of Iran's rural communities: a mixed-method model to present consistent scenarios
M Nematpour, S Makian, A Rostami, A Faraji
Tourism Recreation Research 49 (3), 654-670, 2024
Behind the invisible walls: Understanding constraints on Muslim solo female travel
M Nematpour, O Oshriyeh, M Ghaffari
Tourism Management Perspectives 50, 101213, 2024
Future scenarios for improving Iran's overall destination image and attractiveness: A supply‐side perspective
M Nematpour, M Khodadadi, S Makian, M Ghaffari
Futures & Foresight Science 5 (1), e143, 2023
Studying the Role of Tourism Destination Brand Personality on the Tourist Self-concept Congruence and emerging of Revisit Intention (Case Study: Inbound Tourists who visited …
M Ghaffari, M Nematpour, O Oshrieh
Quarterly of Geography (Regional Planning) 33 (1), 491-506, 2019
Examining the Core Factors Influencing Sustainable IoT-Based Interactive Marketing in Smart Urban Tourism Destinations
M Nematpour, M Ghaffari
Smart and Sustainable Interactive Marketing, 55-67, 2024
Different mirrors: studying the effect of perceived risks and information-seeking behavior on the perceived cognitive image of Chinese and Russian millennial tourists
M Nematpour, Z Ghaderi, M Ghaffari, H Zare
Journal of Policy Research in Tourism, Leisure and Events, 1-25, 2023
S Makian, M Nematpour
Encyclopedia of Tourism Management and Marketing, 326-329, 2022
Typology of Foreign Tourists in Tehran’s Grand Bazaar Using Two-step Cluster Analysis: an Approach to Urban Planning
M Ghaffari, M Nematpour
Motaleate shahri 9 (36), 13-26, 2020
Brand personality of Tehran tourism destination and tourism destination trust: mediatory role tourist Self-Concept congruity
M Mohammadian, M Nematpour, S Ghorbani, P Seyyedi
Tourism Management Studies 14 (47), 65-96, 2019
Cognitive destination image formation among first-time Chinese tourists
M Nematpour, Z Ghaderi, M Ghaffari, H Zare, R Mohammadkazemi
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights, 2025
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