James Berry
James Berry
University of Georgia
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Can higher prices stimulate product use? Evidence from a field experiment in Zambia
N Ashraf, J Berry, JM Shapiro
American Economic Review 100 (5), 2383-2413, 2010
From proof of concept to scalable policies: challenges and solutions, with an application
A Banerjee, R Banerji, J Berry, E Duflo, H Kannan, S Mukerji, M Shotland, ...
Journal of Economic Perspectives 31 (4), 73-102, 2017
Mainstreaming an effective intervention: Evidence from randomized evaluations of “Teaching at the Right Level” in India
A Banerjee, R Banerji, J Berry, E Duflo, H Kannan, S Mukherji, ...
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
Eliciting and utilizing willingness to pay: Evidence from field trials in Northern Ghana
J Berry, G Fischer, R Guiteras
Journal of Political Economy 128 (4), 1436-1473, 2020
The impact of financial education for youth in Ghana
J Berry, D Karlan, M Pradhan
World development 102, 71-89, 2018
Learning during the COVID-19 pandemic: It is not who you teach, but how you teach
G Orlov, D McKee, J Berry, A Boyle, T DiCiccio, T Ransom, A Rees-Jones, ...
Economics Letters 202, 109812, 2021
The impact of maternal literacy and participation programs: Evidence from a randomized evaluation in India
R Banerji, J Berry, M Shotland
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 9 (4), 303-337, 2017
Child control in education decisions: An evaluation of targeted incentives to learn in India
J Berry
Journal of Human Resources 50 (4), 1051-1080, 2015
Toward a meta-theory of creativity forms: How novelty and usefulness shape creativity
S Harvey, JW Berry
Academy of Management Review 48 (3), 504-529, 2023
Assessing the rate of replication in economics
J Berry, LC Coffman, D Hanley, R Gihleb, AJ Wilson
American Economic Review 107 (5), 27-31, 2017
Not playing favorites: An experiment on parental fairness preferences
J Berry, R Dizon-Ross, M Jagnani
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2020
Crowd-out in school-based health interventions: Evidence from India’s midday meals program
J Berry, S Mehta, P Mukherjee, H Ruebeck, GK Shastry
Journal of Public Economics 204, 104552, 2021
Failure of frequent assessment: An evaluation of India’s continuous and comprehensive evaluation program
J Berry, H Kannan, S Mukherji, M Shotland
Journal of Development Economics 143, 102406, 2020
A wide angle view of learning: Evaluation of the CCE and LEP programmes in Haryana, India
E Duflo, J Berry, S Mukerji, M Shotland
3ie Impact Evaluation Report 22, 2015
Implementation and effects of India's national school-based iron supplementation program
J Berry, S Mehta, P Mukherjee, H Ruebeck, GK Shastry
Journal of Development Economics 144, 102428, 2020
Taken with a grain of salt? Micronutrient fortification in South Asia
J Berry, P Mukherjee, GK Shastry
CESifo Economic Studies 58 (2), 422-449, 2012
When student incentives do not work: Evidence from a field experiment in Malawi
J Berry, HB Kim, HH Son
Journal of Development Economics 158, 102893, 2022
Pricing of private education in urban India: Demand, use and impact
J Berry, P Mukherjee
Unpublished manuscript. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University, 2016
Making sense of the shapes: What do we know about literacy learning in adulthood?
JC Aker, M Sawyer, J Berry
Economics of Education Review 100, 102537, 2024
Not playing favorites: Parents and the value of equal opportunity
J Berry, R Dizon-Ross, M Jagnani
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2024
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