Zhao Yugang (赵玉刚)
Zhao Yugang (赵玉刚)
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Freezing of sessile water droplet for various contact angles
HF Zhang, Y Zhao, R Lv, C Yang
International journal of thermal sciences 101, 59-67, 2016
A review of recent literature on icing phenomena: Transport mechanisms, their modulations and controls
Y Zhao, Q Guo, T Lin, P Cheng
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 159, 120074, 2020
Interdroplet freezing wave propagation of condensation frosting on micropillar patterned superhydrophobic surfaces of varying pitches
Y Zhao, R Wang, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 108, 1048-1056, 2017
Retarded condensate freezing propagation on superhydrophobic surfaces patterned with micropillars
Y Zhao, C Yang
Applied Physics Letters 108 (6), 2016
Collective effects on thermophoresis of colloids: a microfluidic study within the framework of DLVO theory
Y Zhao, C Zhao, J He, Y Zhou, C Yang
Soft Matter 9 (32), 7726-7734, 2013
Frost spreading on microscale wettability/morphology patterned surfaces
Y Zhao, C Yang
Applied Thermal Engineering 121, 136-145, 2017
Freezing characteristics of deposited water droplets on hydrophilic and hydrophobic cold surfaces
Z Zhu, X Zhang, Y Zhao, X Huang, C Yang
International Journal of Thermal Sciences 171, 107241, 2022
Axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann model for simulating the freezing process of a sessile water droplet with volume change
C Zhang, H Zhang, W Fang, Y Zhao, C Yang
Physical Review E 101 (2), 023314, 2020
Freezing morphologies of impact water droplets on an inclined subcooled surface
FQ Zhu, WZ Fang, TH New, Y Zhao, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181, 121843, 2021
Promote anti-/de-frosting by suppressing directional ice bridging
Y Zhao, Z Yan, H Zhang, C Yang, P Cheng
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 165, 120609, 2021
An experimental investigation on the frosting and defrosting process of an outdoor heat exchanger in an air conditioning heat pump system for electric vehicles
K Li, D Xia, S Luo, Y Zhao, R Tu, X Zhou, H Zhang, L Su
Applied Thermal Engineering 201, 117766, 2022
Freezing of a nanofluid droplet: From a pointy tip to flat plateau
Y Zhao, C Yang, P Cheng
Applied Physics Letters 118 (14), 2021
Wetting transition of sessile and condensate droplets on copper-based superhydrophobic surfaces
Y Zhao, H Zhang, W Wang, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 127, 280-288, 2018
Active control of the freezing process of a ferrofluid droplet with magnetic fields
H Zhang, Y Zhao, W Fang, C Zhang, F Zhu, L Jin, C Yang
Applied Thermal Engineering 176, 115444, 2020
A multi‐module microfluidic platform for continuous pre‐concentration of water‐soluble ions and separation of oil droplets from oil‐in‐water (O/W) emulsions using a DC‐biased …
D Das, DT Phan, Y Zhao, Y Kang, V Chan, C Yang
Electrophoresis 38 (5), 645-652, 2017
Triple condensate halo from a single water droplet impacting upon a cold surface
Y Zhao, F Zhu, H Zhang, TH New, L Jin, C Yang
Applied Physics Letters 114 (18), 2019
An immersed boundary-lattice Boltzmann model for simulation of deposited particle patterns in an evaporating sessile droplet with dispersed particles
C Zhang, H Zhang, Y Zhao, C Yang
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 181, 121905, 2021
Accelerated methane storage in clathrate hydrates using the natural tobacco
C Li, L Yang, D Liu, N Liu, Y Xie, G Cui, L Zhang, M Gao, Y Zhao, J Wang
Energy 241, 122549, 2022
Confined wetting of water on CNT web patterned surfaces
Y Zhao, R Lin, T Tran, C Yang
Applied Physics Letters 111 (16), 2017
Suppressing condensation frosting using micropatterned ice walls
Z Zuo, Y Zhao, K Li, H Zhang, C Yang
Applied Thermal Engineering 224, 120099, 2023
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