Dr.C.Seldev Christopher
Dr.C.Seldev Christopher
Professor, St. Xavier's Catholic College of engineering, Nagercoil
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
Novel real time content based medical image retrieval scheme with GWO-SVM
DB Renita, CS Christopher
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (23), 17227-17243, 2020
Skin detection using color pixel classification with application to face detection: A comparative study
K Nallaperumal, S Ravi, CNK Babu, RK Selvakumar, AL Fred, C Seldev, ...
International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia …, 2007
Image classification through integrated K-Means algorithm
B Subbiah, SC Christopher
International Journal of Computer Science Issues (IJCSI) 9 (2), 518, 2012
Content-based image retrieval using hybrid k-means moth flame optimization algorithm
A Joseph, ES Rex, S Christopher, J Jose
Arabian Journal of Geosciences 14 (8), 687, 2021
Secure cloud data storage approach in e-learning systems
G Sahaya Stalin Jose, C Seldev Christopher
Cluster Computing 22 (Suppl 5), 12857-12862, 2019
License plate detection using channel scale space and color based detection method
XA Davix, CS Christopher, SS Christine
2017 IEEE international conference on circuits and systems (ICCS), 82-86, 2017
Novel Scheme for Compressed Image Authentication Using LSB Watermarking and EMRC6 Encryption
Mary, C S. Christopher, Joe
Circuits and Systems 7, 1722-1733, 2016
An efficient video summarization for surveillance system using normalized k-means and quick sort method
DM Davids, CS Christopher
Microprocessors and Microsystems 83, 103960, 2021
Detection of the vehicle license plate using a kernel density with default search radius algorithm filter
XA Davix, CS Christopher, D Judson
Optik 218, 164689, 2020
Medical image denoising using different techniques
DR Newlin, CS Christopher
Int. J. Sci. Technol. Res 9 (3), 1061-1066, 2020
Random valued impulse denoising using robust direction based detector
K Prathiba, R Rathi, CS Christopher
2013 IEEE Conference on Information & Communication Technologies, 1237-1242, 2013
New Efficient Image Compression Method for Single Sensor Digital Camera Images
K Nallaperumal, S Christopher, SS Vinsley, RK Selvakumar
Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 113-117, 2007
Disease identification in spinach leaves
CS Christopher
2019 International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient …, 2019
A review on video denoising methods
MC Sheeba, CS Christopher
2019 International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient …, 2019
A Novel Adaptive Weighted Color Interpolation Algorithm for Single Sensor Digital Camera Images
K Nallaperumal, SS Vinsley, S Christopher, RK Selvakumar
Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications, 477-481, 2007
Hybrid multi scale hard switch YOLOv4 network for cricket video summarization
DM Davids, AAE Raj, CS Christopher
Wireless Networks 30 (1), 17-35, 2024
Prediction of the COVID disease using lung CT images by deep learning algorithm: DETS-optimized Resnet 101 classifier
JHJ Haennah, CS Christopher, GRG King
Frontiers in Medicine 10, 1157000, 2023
Edge based marker controlled watershed algorithm for automatic car licence plate localization
XA Davix, CS Christopher
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience 14 (11), 5539-5551, 2017
A Novel Compression Technique For Compound Images Using Parallel Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm
GRG King, CS Christopher, NA Singh
Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials 626, 44-51, 2014
Removal of blocking artifacts in jpeg compressed images using dual tree complex wavelet filters for multimedia on the web
K Nallaperumal, JJ Ranjani, S Christopher, S Saudia
2006 IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications …, 2006
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