Long Yang(杨龙)
Long Yang(杨龙)
Kiti vardaiYANG LONG
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
On the secrecy design of STAR-RIS assisted uplink NOMA networks
Z Zhang, J Chen, Y Liu, Q Wu, B He, L Yang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 21 (12), 11207-11221, 2022
Secrecy-enhancing design for cooperative downlink and uplink NOMA with an untrusted relay
L Lv, H Jiang, Z Ding, L Yang, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (3), 1698-1715, 2019
Optimal Relay Selection for Secure Cooperative Communications with an Adaptive Eavesdropper
L Yang, J Chen, H Jiang, SA Vorobyov, H Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (1), 26-42, 2017
When NOMA Meets Multiuser Cognitive Radio: Opportunistic Cooperation and User Scheduling
L Lv, L Yang, H Jiang, TH Luan, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (7), 6679-6684, 2018
NOMA-Enabled Cooperative Unicast-Multicast: Design and Outage Analysis
L Yang, J Chen, Q Ni, J Shi, X Xue
IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 16 (12), 7870-7889, 2017
Improving physical layer security in untrusted relay networks: cooperative jamming and power allocation
L Lv, J Chen, L Yang, Y Kuo
Iet Communications 11 (3), 393-399, 2017
Energy-efficient hybrid precoding for massive MIMO mmWave systems with a fully-adaptive-connected structure
X Xue, Y Wang, L Yang, J Shi, Z Li
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (6), 3521-3535, 2020
Cooperative Non-Orthogonal Layered Multicast Multiple Access for Heterogeneous Networks
L Yang, Q Ni, L Lv, J Chen, X Xue, H Zhang, H Jiang
IEEE Transactions on Communications 67 (2), 1148-1165, 2019
Achieving covert communication in overlay cognitive radio networks
R Chen, Z Li, J Shi, L Yang, J Hu
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 69 (12), 15113-15126, 2020
Incorporation of Carbon Dioxide into Carbamate Directing Groups: Palladium‐Catalyzed meta‐C–H Olefination and Acetoxylation of Aniline Derivatives
L Yang, L Fu, G Li
Advanced Synthesis & Catalysis 359 (13), 2235-2240, 2017
Design and performance analysis of cooperative NOMA with coordinated direct and relay transmission
M Yang, J Chen, L Yang, L Lv, B He, B Liu
IEEE Access 7, 73306-73323, 2019
Safeguarding Next Generation Multiple Access Using Physical Layer Security Techniques: A Tutorial
L Lv, D Xu, RQ Hu, Y Ye, L Yang, X Lei, X Wang, DI Kim, A Nallanathan
Proceedings of the IEEE, 2024
Hybrid fog/cloud computing resource allocation: Joint consideration of limited communication resources and user credibility
X Chen, Y Zhou, L Yang, L Lv
Computer Communications 169, 48-58, 2021
Outage Performance of DF-based Cooperative Multicast in Spectrum-Sharing Cognitive Relay Networks
L Yang, J Chen, Y Kuo, H Zhang
IEEE Communications Letters 18 (7), 1250-1253, 2014
Secure Communications in Underlay Cognitive Radio Networks: User Scheduling and Performance Analysis
L Yang, H Jiang, S Vorobyov, J Chen, Z Hailin
IEEE Communications Letters 20 (6), 1191-1194, 2016
User-Pair Selection in Multiuser Cooperative Networks With an Untrusted Relay
B He, Q Ni, J Chen, L Yang, L Lv
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2019
Enhancing secrecy for NOMA untrusted relay networks with user scheduling and jamming
B He, L Lv, L Yang, J Chen
IEEE Communications Letters 24 (12), 2682-2686, 2020
Dependent task offloading with energy‐latency tradeoff in mobile edge computing
Y Zhang, J Chen, Y Zhou, L Yang, B He, Y Yang
IET Communications 16 (17), 1993-2001, 2022
User satisfaction oriented resource allocation for fog computing: A mixed-task paradigm
X Chen, Y Zhou, L Yang, L Lv
IEEE Transactions on Communications 68 (10), 6470-6482, 2020
On the Impact of User Scheduling on Diversity and Fairness in Cooperative NOMA
L Yang, H Jiang, Q Ye, Z Ding, L Lv, J Chen
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 67 (11), 11296-11301, 2018
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