Emily R. Hall
Emily R. Hall
Senior Scientist/Program Manager, Mote Marine Laboratory
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Blooms of Karenia brevis (Davis) G. Hansen & Ø. Moestrup on the West Florida Shelf: Nutrient sources and potential management strategies based on a multi-year regional study
CA Heil, LK Dixon, E Hall, M Garrett, JM Lenes, JM O’Neil, BM Walsh, ...
Harmful Algae 38, 127-140, 2014
Eutrophication may compromise the resilience of the Red Sea coral Stylophora pistillata to global change
ER Hall, EM Muller, T Goulet, J Bellworthy, KB Ritchie, M Fine
Marine pollution bulletin 131, 701-711, 2018
Nitrogen, phosphorus and silica on the West Florida Shelf: Patterns and relationships with Karenia spp. occurrence
LK Dixon, GJ Kirkpatrick, ER Hall, A Nissanka
Harmful Algae 38, 8-19, 2014
Stressing over the complexities of multiple stressors in marine and estuarine systems
PM Glibert, WJ Cai, ER Hall, M Li, KL Main, KA Rose, JM Testa, ...
Ocean-Land-Atmosphere Research, 2022
Acidification in the US Southeast: Causes, potential consequences and the role of the southeast ocean and coastal acidification network
ER Hall, L Wickes, LE Burnett, GI Scott, D Hernandez, KK Yates, ...
Frontiers in Marine Science 7, 548, 2020
Gulf of Mexico blue hole harbors high levels of novel microbial lineages
NV Patin, ZA Dietrich, A Stancil, M Quinan, JS Beckler, ER Hall, J Culter, ...
The ISME Journal 15 (8), 2206-2232, 2021
Ocean acidification in the Gulf of Mexico: Drivers, impacts, and unknowns
E Osborne, X Hu, ER Hall, K Yates, J Vreeland-Dawson, K Shamberger, ...
Progress in oceanography 209, 102882, 2022
Ocean acidification and direct interactions affect coral, macroalga, and sponge growth in the Florida Keys
HN Page, C Hewett, H Tompkins, ER Hall
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 9 (7), 739, 2021
Lesion recovery of two scleractinian corals under low pH conditions: implications for restoration efforts
ER Hall, BC DeGroot, M Fine
Marine Pollution Bulletin 100 (1), 321-326, 2015
Heritable variation and lack of tradeoffs suggest adaptive capacity in Acropora cervicornis despite negative synergism under climate change scenarios
EM Muller, AM Dungan, WC Million, KR Eaton, C Petrik, E Bartels, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B 288 (1960), 20210923, 2021
Assessing acute thermal assays as a rapid screening tool for coral restoration
CN Klepac, CG Petrik, E Karabelas, J Owens, ER Hall, EM Muller
Scientific reports 14 (1), 1898, 2024
Light‐driven dynamics between calcification and production in functionally diverse coral reef calcifiers
J Mallon, T Cyronak, ER Hall, AT Banaszak, DA Exton, AM Bass
Limnology and Oceanography 67 (2), 434-449, 2022
Low pH reduces the virulence of black band disease on Orbicella faveolata
EM Muller, NM Leporacci, KJ Macartney, AG Shea, RE Crane, ER Hall, ...
PLoS One 12 (6), e0178869, 2017
Determination of an appropriate onsite sewage system setback distance to seasonally inundated areas
MT Brown, MD Annable, JJ Delfino, JW Jawitz, M Cohen, E Hall, ...
Florida Department of Health, 2001
The art of red tide science
ER Hall, K Nierenberg, AJ Boyes, CA Heil, LJ Flewelling, B Kirkpatrick
Harmful algae 17, 1-5, 2012
Effects of ocean acidification on the performance and interaction of fleshy macroalgae and a grazing sea urchin
KA Burnham, RJ Nowicki, ER Hall, J Pi, HN Page
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 547, 151662, 2022
Mesocosm study of PAC-modified clay effects on Karenia brevis cells and toxins, chemical dynamics, and benthic invertebrate physiology
VM Devillier, ER Hall, V Lovko, R Pierce, DM Anderson, KA Lewis
Harmful Algae 134, 102609, 2024
Development of ocean acidification flow-thru experimental raceway units (OAFTERU)
ER Hall, D Vaughan, MP Crosby
Proc 12th Int Coral Reef Symp 34236, 9-13, 2012
Symbiont composition and coral genotype determines massive coral species performance under end-of-century climate scenarios
CN Klepac, KR Eaton, CG Petrik, LN Arick, ER Hall, EM Muller
Frontiers in Marine Science 10, 1026426, 2023
A spectrally explicit optical model of attenuation for Charlotte Harbor seagrasses: Final report
LK Dixon, ER Hall, GJ Kirkpatrick
Mote Marine Laboratory Technical Report, 2010
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