Martin Duľa
Martin Duľa
Department of Forest Ecology, Faculty of Forestry and Wood Technology, Mendel University in Brno
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Global patterns in the biocontrol efficacy of spiders: A meta‐analysis
R Michalko, S Pekár, M Dul'a, MH Entling
Global Ecology and Biogeography 28 (9), 1366-1378, 2019
Identification of local factors causing clustering of animal‐vehicle collisions
T Bartonička, R Andrášik, M Duľa, J Sedoník, M Bíl
The Journal of wildlife management 82 (5), 940-947, 2018
On reliable identification of factors influencing wildlife-vehicle collisions along roads
M Bíl, R Andrášik, M Duľa, J Sedoník
Journal of environmental management 237, 297-304, 2019
Mammal responses to global changes in human activity vary by trophic group and landscape
AC Burton, C Beirne, KM Gaynor, C Sun, A Granados, ML Allen, ...
Nature ecology & evolution 8 (5), 924-935, 2024
Multi-seasonal systematic camera-trapping reveals fluctuating densities and high turnover rates of Carpathian lynx on the western edge of its native range
M Duľa, M Bojda, DBH Chabanne, P Drengubiak, Ľ Hrdý, ...
Scientific reports 11 (1), 9236, 2021
Prerequisites for coexistence: human pressure and refuge habitat availability shape continental-scale habitat use patterns of a large carnivore
J Oeser, M Heurich, S Kramer-Schadt, H Andrén, G Bagrade, E Belotti, ...
Landscape ecology 38 (7), 1713-1728, 2023
Long-distance Eurasian lynx dispersal–a prospect for connecting native and reintroduced populations in Central Europe
B Gajdárová, E Belotti, L Bufka, M Duľa, O Kleven, M Kutal, J Ozoliņš, ...
Conservation Genetics 22, 799-809, 2021
Výskyt velkých šelem–rysa ostrovida (Lynx lynx), vlka obecného (Canis lupus) a medvěda hnědého (Ursus arctos)–a kočky divoké (Felis silvestris) v České republice a na západním …
M Kutal, E Belotti, J Volfová, T Mináriková, L BUFKA, L POLEDNÍK, ...
Lynx 48, 93-107, 2017
Occurrence of large carnivores—Lynx lynx, Canis lupus, and Ursus arctos—and of Felis silvestris in the Czech Republic and western Slovakia in 2012–2016 (Carnivora)
M Kutal, E Belotti, J Volfová, T Mináriková, L Bufka, L Poledník, ...
Lynx, new Ser 48, 93-107, 2017
Conservation needs of the Carpathian lynx population
J Kubala, D Ćirović, M Duľa, M Kutal, R Mysłajek, S Nowak, M Pop, ...
Cat News, 2021
A cat in paradise: hunting and feeding behaviour of Eurasian lynx among abundant naive prey
M Duľa, M Krofel
Mammalian Biology 100, 685-690, 2020
Integrating animal tracking datasets at a continental scale for mapping Eurasian lynx habitat
J Oeser, M Heurich, S Kramer‐Schadt, J Mattisson, M Krofel, ...
Diversity and distributions 29 (12), 1546-1560, 2023
Testing a conservation compromise: No evidence that public wolf hunting in Slovakia reduced livestock losses
M Kutal, M Duľa, AR Selivanova, JV López‐Bao
Conservation Letters 17 (1), e12994, 2024
Evidence-based hunting policy needed in Slovakia
M Kutal, M Duľa
Science 370 (6521), 1174-1174, 2020
Long-term genetic monitoring of a reintroduced Eurasian lynx population does not indicate an ongoing loss of genetic diversity
B Gajdárová, E Belotti, L Bufka, J Volfová, S Wölfl, T Mináriková, ...
Global Ecology and Conservation 42, e02399, 2023
Uncoordinated reintroductions of Eurasian lynx might be a threat for the species recovery in Central Europe
M Kutal, M Duľa, J Krojerová-Prokešová, E Belotti, J Volfová, L Bufka
Biodiversity and Conservation 30 (12), 3737-3740, 2021
Vyhodnocení početnosti a mezidruhových vazeb savců na území NP ČR a analýza vlivu a významu dotčených druhů na ekosystémy vyskytující se v zájmovém území
M Kutal, M Anděra, T Bartonička, L Čepelka, J Suchomel, M Duľa, ...
Mendelova univerzita. Lesnická a dřevařská fakulta, 2016
The first insight into hunting and feeding behaviour of the Eurasian lynx in the Western Carpathians
M Duľa, C Nicol, M Bojda, J Labuda, M Slamka, M Kutal
Mammal Research 68 (2), 237-242, 2023
Recentný výskyt a reprodukcia rysa ostrovida (Lynx lynx) v CHKO Kysuce a NP Malá Fatra
M Duľa, M Kalaš, Ľ Hrdý, T Flajs, P Drengubiak, M Kutal
Zborník z konferencie “Výskum a ochrana Malej Fatry”. Fatranský spolok …, 2017
Recentní záznamy kočky divoké (Felis silvestris) na česko-slovenském pomezí
M Duľa, M Váňa, P Dekař, M Bojda, M Kutal
Acta Carpathica Occidentalis 10, 86–90, 2019
Sistema negali atlikti operacijos. Bandykite vėliau dar kartą.
Straipsniai 1–20