Sanjay Gairola PhD
Sanjay Gairola PhD
Senior Researcher, Sharjah Seedbank & Herbarium, Sharjah Research Academy
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Forest vegetation patterns along an altitudinal gradient in sub-alpine zone of west Himalaya, India
S Gairola, RS Rawal, NP Todaria
African Journal of Plant Science 2 (6), 42-48, 2008
Influence of climate change on production of secondary chemicals in high altitude medicinal plants: Issues needs immediate attention
S Gairola, NM Shariff, A Bhatt, CP Kala
Journal of Medicinal Plants Research 4 (18), 1825-1829, 2010
Effective microorganisms (EM) technology for water quality restoration and potential for sustainable water resources and management
Z Zakaria, S Gairola, NM Shariff
Traditional knowledge and use of medicinal plants in the Eastern Desert of Egypt: a case study from Wadi El-Gemal National Park
T Mahmoud, S Gairola
Journal of Medicinal Plants 1 (6), 10-17, 2013
Ecological indicators: Imperative to sustainable forest management
PC Kotwal, MD Omprakash, S Gairola, D Dugaya
Ecological Indicators 8 (1), 104-107, 2008
An investigation of the foliar trichomes of Tetradenia riparia (Hochst.) Codd [Lamiaceae]: an important medicinal plant of Southern Africa
S Gairola, Y Naidoo, A Bhatt, A Nicholas
Flora-Morphology, Distribution, Functional Ecology of Plants 204 (4), 325-330, 2009
Dactylorhiza hatagirea (D. Don) Soo–a west Himalayan orchid in peril
A Bhatt, SK Joshi, S Gairola
Current Science 89 (4), 610-612, 2005
Emerging trend of urban green space research and the implications for safeguarding biodiversity: a viewpoint
S Gairola, MS Noresah
Nature and science 8 (7), 43-49, 2010
Maternal salinity environment affects salt tolerance during germination in Anabasis setifera: A facultative desert halophyte
A El-Keblawy, S Gairola, A Bhatt
Journal of Arid Land 8, 254-263, 2016
Patterns of litterfall and return of nutrients across anthropogenic disturbance gradients in three subalpine forests of west Himalaya, India
S Gairola, RS Rawal, U Dhar
Journal of Forest Research 14, 73-80, 2009
Effects of disturbance intensities on vegetation patterns in oak forests of Kumaun, west Himalaya
RS Rawal, S Gairola, U Dhar
Journal of Mountain Science 9, 157-165, 2012
The promise of molecular and genomic techniques for biodiversity research and DNA barcoding of the Arabian Peninsula flora
KA Mosa, S Gairola, R Jamdade, A El-Keblawy, KI Al Shaer, EK Al Harthi, ...
Frontiers in plant science 9, 1929, 2019
Dormancy regulating chemicals alleviate innate seed dormancy and promote germination of desert annuals
A El-Keblawy, S Gairola
Journal of Plant Growth Regulation 36, 300-311, 2017
High-resolution satellite remote sensing: a new frontier for biodiversity exploration in Indian Himalayan forests
S Gairola, Ş Procheş, D Rocchini
International Journal of Remote Sensing 34 (6), 2006-2022, 2013
Effects of maternal salinity on salt tolerance during germination of Suaeda aegyptiaca, a facultative halophyte in the Arab Gulf desert
A El‐Keblawy, S Gairola, A Bhatt, T Mahmoud
Plant Species Biology 32 (1), 45-53, 2017
Parthenium hysterophorus and Bidens pilosa, two new records to the invasive weed flora of the United Arab Emirates
T Mahmoud, S Gairola, A El-Keblawy
Journal on New Biological Reports 4 (1), 26-32, 2015
Perianth colour affects germination behaviour in wind-pollinated Salsola rubescens in Arabian deserts
AA El-Keblawy, A Bhatt, S Gairola
Botany 92 (1), 69-75, 2014
Nature and causes of land degradation and desertification in Libya: Need for sustainable land management
AMA Saad, NM Shariff, S Gairola
African Journal of Biotechnology 10 (63), 13680-13687, 2011
Population structure and regeneration patterns of tree species in climate-sensitive subalpine forests of Indian western Himalaya
S Gairola, RS Rawal, NP Todaria, A Bhatt
Journal of Forestry Research 25 (2), 343-349, 2014
Effects of light, temperature, salinity, and maternal habitat on seed germination of Aeluropus lagopoides (Poaceae): an economically important halophyte of arid …
A Bhatt, S Gairola, MM Carón, A Santo, V Murru, A El-Keblawy, ...
Botany 98 (2), 117-125, 2020
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