Tran Minh Tung
Tran Minh Tung
Tran Minh Tung, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Ton Duc Thang University
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A survey on river water quality modelling using artificial intelligence models: 2000–2020
TM Tung, ZM Yaseen
Journal of Hydrology 585, 124670, 2020
First Evidence for the Decay
R Aaij, C Abellan Beteta, A Adametz, B Adeva, M Adinolfi, C Adrover, ...
Physical Review Letters 110 (2), 021801, 2013
Development of artificial intelligence for modeling wastewater heavy metal removal: State of the art, application assessment and possible future research
SK Bhagat, TM Tung, ZM Yaseen
Journal of Cleaner Production 250, 119473, 2020
Shear strength prediction of steel fiber reinforced concrete beam using hybrid intelligence models: a new approach
ZM Yaseen, MT Tran, S Kim, T Bakhshpoori, RC Deo
Engineering Structures 177, 244-255, 2018
Heavy metal contamination prediction using ensemble model: Case study of Bay sedimentation, Australia
SK Bhagat, TM Tung, ZM Yaseen
Journal of Hazardous Materials 403, 123492, 2021
Dynamic compressive properties of lightweight rubberized concrete
TM Pham, W Chen, AM Khan, H Hao, M Elchalakani, TM Tran
Construction and Building Materials 238, 117705, 2020
Prediction of sediment heavy metal at the Australian Bays using newly developed hybrid artificial intelligence models
SK Bhagat, T Tiyasha, SM Awadh, TM Tung, AH Jawad, ZM Yaseen
Environmental Pollution 268, 115663, 2021
Durability characteristics of lightweight rubberized concrete
TM Pham, M Elchalakani, H Hao, J Lai, S Ameduri, TM Tran
Construction and Building Materials 224, 584-599, 2019
Retrofitting nonseismically detailed exterior beam–column joints using concrete covers together with CFRP jacket
MNS Hadi, TM Tran
Construction and Building Materials 63, 161-173, 2014
Dynamic compressive properties of lightweight rubberized geopolymer concrete
TM Pham, J Liu, P Tran, VL Pang, F Shi, W Chen, H Hao, TM Tran
Construction and Building Materials 265, 120753, 2020
Shear strength of SFRCB without stirrups simulation: implementation of hybrid artificial intelligence model
AA Al-Musawi, AAH Alwanas, SQ Salih, ZH Ali, MT Tran, ZM Yaseen
Engineering with Computers 36, 1-11, 2020
Seismic rehabilitation of reinforced concrete beam–column joints by bonding with concrete covers and wrapping with FRP composites
MNS Hadi, TM Tran
Materials and Structures 49, 467-485, 2016
Functionalization of remote sensing and on-site data for simulating surface water dissolved oxygen: Development of hybrid tree-based artificial intelligence models
T Tiyasha, TM Tung, SK Bhagat, ML Tan, AH Jawad, WHMW Mohtar, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 170, 112639, 2021
Deep learning for prediction of water quality index classification: tropical catchment environmental assessment
Tiyasha, TM Tung, ZM Yaseen
Natural Resources Research 30 (6), 4235-4254, 2021
Laundry wastewater treatment using a combination of sand filter, bio-char and teff straw media
ZM Yaseen, TT Zigale, Tiyasha, SQ Salih, S Awasthi, TM Tung, ...
Scientific Reports 9 (1), 18709, 2019
Manganese (Mn) removal prediction using extreme gradient model
SK Bhagat, T Tiyasha, TM Tung, RR Mostafa, ZM Yaseen
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 204, 111059, 2020
Mechanical and durability properties of recycled aggregate concrete with ternary binder system and optimized mix proportion
OE Babalola, PO Awoyera, MT Tran, DH Le, OB Olalusi, A Viloria, ...
Journal of Materials Research and Technology 9 (3), 6521-6532, 2020
A new empirical model for shear strength of reinforced concrete beam–column connections
TM Tran, MNS Hadi, TM Pham
Magazine of concrete research 66 (10), 514-530, 2014
Evaluating physical and fiscal water leakage in water distribution system
SK Bhagat, Tiyasha, W Welde, O Tesfaye, TM Tung, N Al-Ansari, SQ Salih, ...
Water 11 (10), 2091, 2019
Maximum usable strain of FRP-confined concrete
TM Pham, MNS Hadi, TM Tran
Construction and Building Materials 83, 119-127, 2015
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