Dr. Vibhav  Kumar  Sachan
Dr. Vibhav Kumar Sachan
KIET Group of Institutions, Ghaziabad, UP, INDIA
Patvirtintas el. paštas - Pagrindinis puslapis
A Survey of Wireless Sensor Network and its types
MK Singh, SI Amin, SA Imam, VK Sachan, A Choudhary
2018 international conference on advances in computing, communication …, 2018
Energy-efficient communication methods in wireless sensor networks: A critical review
VK Sachan, SA Imam, MT Beg
International Journal of Computer Applications 39 (17), 35-48, 2012
Design issues for wireless sensor networks and smart humidity sensors for precision agriculture: A review
SA Imam, A Choudhary, VK Sachan
2015 International Conference on Soft Computing Techniques and …, 2015
A hybrid fuzzy-genetic algorithm for performance optimization of cyber physical wireless body area networks
A Choudhary, M Nizamuddin, VK Sachan
International Journal of Fuzzy Systems 22, 548-569, 2020
Energy budget based multiple attribute decision making (EB-MADM) algorithm for cooperative clustering in wireless body area networks
A Choudhary, M Nizamuddin, MK Singh, VK Sachan
Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology 14, 421-433, 2019
Energy-efficiency of Virtual cooperative MIMO techniques in wireless sensor networks
VK Sachan, SA Imam, MT Beg
2012 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics, 1-5, 2012
Multi-objective optimization framework complying IEEE 802.15. 6 communication standards for wireless body area networks
A Choudhary, M Nizamuddin, M Zadoo, VK Sachan
Wireless Networks 26, 4339-4362, 2020
Cooperative effort based wireless sensor network clustering algorithm for smart home application
SA Imam, A Choudhary, AM Zaidi, MK Singh, VK Sachan
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and …, 2017
An energy-efficient data transmission scheme based on DSC-MIMO for wireless sensor network
SA Imam, MK Singh, VK Sachan, A Choudhary, AM Zaidi
2017 2nd IEEE International Conference on Integrated Circuits and …, 2017
WHOOPH: whale optimization-based optimal placement of hub node within a WBAN
S Shukla, VK Sachan, A Sinha, SK Pandey, GM Rao, MA Shah, ...
Scientific Reports 14 (1), 3422, 2024
High gain circularly polarized graphene inspired dielectric resonator antenna for 6G IOT THz optical communication and optical refractive index Biosensing applications
S Srivastava, S Gupta, VK Sachan, G Saxena, SS Srikant
Engineering Science and Technology, an International Journal 49, 101603, 2024
Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics: Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Trends in Communication and Electronics (ICCE-2020), Ghaziabad, India, 28 …
S Sharma, A Biswas, BK Kaushik, V Sachan
CRC Press, 2021
Enhancement in lifetime of sensor node using Data Reduction Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks
NK Singh, A Kasana, VK Sachan
International Journal of Computer Applications,USA 145 (11), 1-5, 2016
Optimisation of energy efficiency in wireless sensor networks using error control codes
H Sharma, VK Sachan, SA Imam
2012 Students Conference on Engineering and Systems, 1-6, 2012
Performance optimization for UWB communication network under IEEE 802.15. 4a channel conditions
A Sharma, A Garg, SK Sharma, VK Sachan, P Kumar
Computer Networks 201, 108585, 2021
Multi robot path planning parameter analysis based on particle swarm optimization (PSO) in an intricate unknown environments
S Shukla, NK Shukla, VK Sachan
2019 International Conference on Issues and Challenges in Intelligent …, 2019
5G: An overview of Channels characteristics and modelling techniques
K Bhardwaj, A Singh, VK Sachan
2018 Fifth International Conference on Parallel, Distributed and Grid …, 2018
Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks using Co-operative MIMO: A Technical Review
SAI Vibhav Kumar Sachan, Richa Maheshwari
International Journal of Computer Applications, USA 135 (11), 20-27, 2016
Energy Efficient Wireless Sensor Networks using Co-operative MIMO: A Technical Review
VK Sachan, R Maheshwari, SA Imam
International Journal of Computer Applications, USA 135 (11), 20-27, 2016
Removal of phenol from wastewater by activated carbon
VK Sachan, KM Sujatha, S Kumar
Indian J. Environ. Protect 16 (4), 284-290, 1996
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