Mohd Mahzan Awang
Mohd Mahzan Awang
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Perceived social support and well being: First-year student experience in university.
MM Awang, FM Kutty, AR Ahmad
International Education Studies 7 (13), 261-270, 2014
Students' Attitudes and Their Academic Performance in Nationhood Education.
MM Awang, AR Ahmad, NA Bakar, SA Ghani, ANM Yunus, MAH Ibrahim, ...
International Education Studies 6 (11), 21-28, 2013
Application of multiple intelligence theory to increase student motivation in learning history
AR Ahmad, AA Seman, MM Awang, F Sulaiman
Asian Culture and History 7 (1), 210, 2015
Effective teaching strategies to encourage learning behaviour
MM Awang, AR Ahmad, JLA Wahab, N Mamat
IOSR Journal 8 (2), 35-40, 2013
A documentary analysis of the Government's circulars on positive behavior enhancement strategies
MM Awang, D Jindal-Snape, T Barber
Asian Social Science 9 (5), 203, 2013
Penggunaan multimedia dalam pendidikan sejarah Pada Abad Ke-21 dan hubungannya dengan minat belajar sejarah
MM Awang, AR Ahmad, NSA Talib
Jurnal Pemikir Pendidikan 7 (5), 44-56, 2016
Generic digital equity model in education: Mobile-assisted personalized learning (MAPL) through e-modules
SJ Song, KH Tan, MM Awang
Sustainability 13 (19), 11115, 2021
Muzium sebagai instrumen pembelajaran sejarah luar bilik darjah
SA Ligun, MM Awang, AR Ahmad, MI Hamzah, NW Hasan
JuKu: Jurnal Kurikulum & Pengajaran Asia Pasifik 5 (1), 19-30, 2017
Participation in co-curriculum activities and students’ leadership skills
S Ab Ghani, MM Awang, G Ajit, MAM Rani
Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University 55 (4), 2020
A study on the development of strategic tools in study orientation skills towards achieving academic excellence
M Awang, SK Sinnadurai
Journal of Language Teaching and Research 2 (1), 60-67, 2011
Speak like a native English speaker or be judged: A scoping review
KH Tan, MEW Jospa, NE Mohd-Said, MM Awang
International journal of environmental research and public health 18 (23), 12754, 2021
The skills of using history textbooks in secondary school
AR Ahmad, MM Awang, AA Seman, RB Abdullah
Asian Social Science 9 (12), 229, 2013
Sokongan persekitaran sosial di pelbagai jenis sekolah menengah dalam meningkatkan kemahiran insaniah pelajar
IF Sidik, MM Awang, AR Ahmad
Jurnal Pendidikan Malaysia SI 1 (1)(2018): 67 76, 2018
The relationship of student learning styles and achievement in history subject
N Ishak, MM Awang
The International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Invention 4 (3 …, 2017
Historical thinking skills among pre-service teachers in Indonesia and Malaysia
MM Awang, AR Ahmad, NM Yakub, AA Seman
Creative Education 7 (1), 62-76, 2016
The effect of prior knowledge in understanding chemistry concepts by senior secondary school students
RD Beskeni, MI Yousuf, MM Awang, AN Ranjha
International Journal of Academic Research 3 (2), 607-611, 2011
Social integration practices among multi-ethnic youths
MM Awang, AR Ahmad, AAA Rahman
Kasetsart Journal of Social Sciences 40 (2), 454-458, 2019
A study of soft skills among polytechnic students
I Ismail, AR Ahmad, MM Awang
Open Journal of Social Sciences 5 (8), 295-311, 2017
Culturally responsive pedagogy: Socio-educational support and community engagement for educational development of aboriginal students
AR Ahmad, MM Awang
The New Educational Review 43, 157-166, 2016
Investigating Best Practice and Effectiveness of Leadership Wisdom among Principals of Excellent Secondary School Malaysia: Perceptions of Senior Assistants.
AR Ahmad, MJ Salleh, MM Awang, NA Mohamad
International Education Studies 6 (8), 38-46, 2013
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