Princely Ifinedo
Princely Ifinedo
Professor of Information Systems, Brock University
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Understanding information systems security policy compliance: An integration of the theory of planned behavior and the protection motivation theory
P Ifinedo
Computers & Security 31 (1), 83-95, 2012
Information systems security policy compliance: An empirical study of the effects of socialisation, influence, and cognition
P Ifinedo
Information & Management 51 (1), 69-79, 2014
Applying uses and gratifications theory and social influence processes to understand students' pervasive adoption of social networking sites: Perspectives from the Americas
P Ifinedo
International Journal of Information Management 36 (2), 192-206, 2016
Internet/e‐business technologies acceptance in Canada's SMEs: an exploratory investigation
P Ifinedo
Internet research 21 (3), 255-281, 2011
An empirical analysis of factors influencing Internet/e-business technologies adoption by SMEs in Canada
P Ifinedo
International journal of information technology & decision making 10 (04 …, 2011
Impacts of business vision, top management support, and external expertise on ERP success
P Ifinedo
Business Process Management Journal 14 (4), 551-568, 2008
Relationships among ERP post-implementation success constructs: An analysis at the organizational level
P Ifinedo, B Rapp, A Ifinedo, K Sundberg
Computers in human behavior 26 (5), 1136-1148, 2010
Examining students' intention to continue using blogs for learning: Perspectives from technology acceptance, motivational, and social-cognitive frameworks
P Ifinedo
Computers in Human Behavior 72, 189-199, 2017
Extending the Gable et al. enterprise systems success measurement model: a preliminary study
P Ifinedo
Journal of Information Technology Management 17 (1), 14-33, 2006
Measuring Africa's e-readiness in the global networked economy: A nine-country data analysis
P Ifinedo
International Journal of Education and Development using ICT 1 (1), 53-71, 2005
Acceptance and continuance intention of web-based learning technologies (WLT) use among university students in a Baltic country
P Ifinedo
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries 23 (6 …, 2006
Examining the influences of external expertise and in-house computer/IT knowledge on ERP system success
P Ifinedo
Journal of Systems and Software 84 (12), 2065-2078, 2011
Technology acceptance by health professionals in Canada: An analysis with a modified UTAUT model
P Ifinedo
2012 45th Hawaii international conference on system sciences, 2937-2946, 2012
Interactions between contingency, organizational IT factors, and ERP success
P Ifinedo, N Nahar
Industrial Management & Data Systems 109 (1), 118-137, 2009
Interactions between organizational size, culture, and structure and some IT factors in the context of ERP success assessment: an exploratory investigation
P Ifinedo
Journal of Computer Information Systems 47 (4), 28, 2007
ERP systems success: an empirical analysis of how two organizational stakeholder groups prioritize and evaluate relevant measures
P Ifinedo, N Nahar
Enterprise Information Systems 1 (1), 25-48, 2007
Determinants of students’ continuance intention to use blogs to learn: An empirical investigation
P Ifinedo
Behaviour & Information Technology 37 (4), 381-392, 2018
Business undergraduates’ perceived use outcomes of Moodle in a blended learning environment: The roles of usability factors and external support
P Ifinedo, J Pyke, A Anwar
Telematics and Informatics 35 (1), 93-102, 2018
Employee Motivation and Job Satisfaction in Finnish Organizations: A Study of Employees in the Oulu Region, Finland
P Ifinedo
Master of Business Administration Report, University of London, 2003
The moderating effects of demographic and individual characteristics on nurses' acceptance of information systems: A canadian study
P Ifinedo
International journal of medical informatics 87, 27-35, 2016
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