Xinxin Wu
Xinxin Wu
Patvirtintas el. paštas
Multiple intra-urban land use simulations and driving factors analysis: a case study in Huicheng, China
D Zhang, X Liu, X Wu, Y Yao, X Wu, Y Chen
GIScience & Remote Sensing 56 (2), 282-308, 2019
Simulating mixed land-use change under multi-label concept by integrating a convolutional neural network and cellular automata: a case study of Huizhou, China
X Wu, X Liu, D Zhang, J Zhang, J He, X Xu
GIScience & Remote Sensing 59 (1), 609-632, 2022
Accurate estimation of the proportion of mixed land use at the street-block level by integrating high spatial resolution images and geospatial big data
J He, X Li, P Liu, X Wu, J Zhang, D Zhang, X Liu, Y Yao
IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 59 (8), 6357-6370, 2020
Simulating multiple urban land use changes by integrating transportation accessibility and a vector-based cellular automata: a case study on city of Toronto
X Xu, D Zhang, X Liu, J Ou, X Wu
Geo-Spatial Information Science 25 (3), 439-456, 2022
Developing a data-fusing method for mapping fine-scale urban three-dimensional building structure
X Wu, J Ou, Y Wen, X Liu, J He, J Zhang
Sustainable Cities and Society 80, 103716, 2022
Global mapping of three-dimensional (3D) urban structures reveals escalating utilization in the vertical dimension and pronounced building space inequality
X Liu, X Wu, X Li, X Xu, W Liao, L Jiao, Z Zeng, G Chen, X Li
Engineering, 2024
Exploring urban building space provision and inequality: a three-dimensional perspective on Chinese cities toward sustainable development goals
X Wu, X Xu, G Chen, W Liao, X Liu
Sustainable Cities and Society 102, 105202, 2024
Mapping building-based spatiotemporal distributions of carbon dioxide emission: A case study in England
Y Zheng, J Ou, G Chen, X Wu, X Liu
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 (10), 5986, 2022
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